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Information Science & Engineering

Today's digitally equipped world has a major part of work in the Information Technology arena, offering more scope for innovative research that best influences the human existence for good. The department was started with an initial intake of 60 and the current intake is 120.

Vemana IT’s vision is to nourish the true spirit and wisdom of Information Technology in the minds of young aspirants. To achieve this goal, the department has 18 enthusiastic, young, diligent, and dedicated team of faculties. Our faculties have published more than 100 technical and research papers in the relevant fields of Information Technology. The department has proved itself to be consistent by achieving high percentage of results from the beginning.

With exceptionally qualified professors with rich teaching experience make Vemana Institute as one of the top engineering colleges and best ranked in Information Technology in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.


To produce graduates with strong fundamentals in information technology to face challenges of global IT needs with ethical values.


  •  To impart theoretical foundation and programing skills for the design and development of software systems.
  •  To produce information technologists to excel in professional career, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
  •  To inculcate multi-disciplinary research ambience among them to transform their knowledge useful to the society.


Engineering Graduates Will be able to:

  • Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental consideration.

  • Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

  • Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

  • The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. 9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


After 3-4 years of Graduation, the CSE Graduates will be able to:

  • PEO1: Develop new strategies to solve engineering problems related to Information Technology.

  • PEO2: Pursue career in the IT industry, academia, engineering management and Research.

  • PEO3: Provide graduates a platform for life-long learning in innovative technologies.


After the successful completion of the program, the graduates will be able to:

  • PSO1: Design and develop computing systems inculcating the best practices for hardware implementation and software programming.

  • PSO2: Ability to provide discerning solutions based on the expertise in networking, database administration, distributed applications development and entrepreneur practices to the various societal needs.

Name Dr. Rajanna M
Designation Professor & HoD
Qualification B.E.,M.Tech., Ph.D
AICTE Faculty ID 1-762037610
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 1st Aug - 2011
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 19 yrs Industry: 1
Website URL
Area of Specialization Wireless Sensor Networks
Automata & Theory of Computability
Publications Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Multisink Wireless Sensor Networks, Applied Computational Technologies, Vol 303, Springer, Singapore
Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol for Multisink Wireless Sensor Networks, Gravida Review Journal, Vol 9, Issue 2, 2023
Rajanna M, Shiva Murthy G, Varaprasad G, "Routing Protocols for Multisink Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey" International Conference On Recent Innovations In Science, Engineering and Technology(ICRISET-17), 2017
Rajanna M, Shiva Murthy G,Varaprasad G, Routing Protocols for Multisink Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey International Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJERECE) Vol 4, Issue 12, December 2017
Rajanna M, Shiva Murthy G, Varaprasad G, Effective Sink Placement Mechanism for Multisink Wireless Sensor Networks International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 2020
Rajanna M, Shiva Murthy G, Varaprasad G Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Mutlisink WSNs Commuincating to ADBU International Journal
Dr. Rajanna M,"A Comprehensive Analysis of Soft Computing Techniques for Effective Routing in WSN",IJIRISE
Dr. Rajanna M,"Energy Efficient Clustering in WSN using Bacterial for Ageing and Kril Herd optimization",IJISAE
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Five Days FDP on Cloud computing, Big Data, INS and SAN at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering during Jan 2015
Five Days workshop on Research Methodologies at BMSIT during June 22 - 26, 2015
Three Days FDP on Faculty Pedagogical Development Programme at Vemana Institute of Technology during July 15 - 17 2015
Three days workshop on Research Methodology and Latex at Rajarajeshwari College of Engineering during Dec 20 – 22 2016
Two days FDP on NS3 and Its Usage at Global Academy of Technology during Jan 27 - 28 2017
Additional activities(if any)  Funded Projects
Title of Research Project Proposal: Hate Speech, Cyber bullying & its Impact on the Mental Health status of the victim using Deep Learning Techniques
Applied for Research Project under VTU Research Grants Scheme - 2021 in Discipline of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Name Dr. S. Nandagopalan
Designation Professor
Qualification Ph. D (Computer Science and Engineering), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
M. S (Software Systems), BITS, Pilani
M. Tech (Industrial Electronics), NIT, Surathkal
AICTE Faculty ID 1-4646182322
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 16-Feb-18
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 40 Years
Industry: - 0
Website URL
Area of Specialization Data Mining, Medical Image Analysis
Advanced Algorithms
Big Data Analytics
Publications Detection of depression using acoustic and treatment response prediction using machine learning, IRJCS
Smart detection of damaged roads using machine learning, IRJCS
Total : 29 in International Journals and Conferences
Brundha Elci, J., Nandagopalan, S,"SS-WDRN: sparrow search optimization-based weighted dual recurrent network for software fault prediction",Knowledge and Information Systems – An International Journal
Anu Jose, Nandagopalan S, "Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Agriculture Revolution: A Survey",Walailak Journal of Science and Technology

1. Details of Articles Published in Journals

Author(s) Title of Article Name of Journal Vol. No. Year and Page Number ISSN Impact Factor if any
Nandagopalan S., Kumar P.K Deep Convolutional Network Based Saliency Prediction for Retrieval of Natural Images Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 866,
- -
Kumar P. K, Nandagopalan S BLR: Bounded Logistic Regression for Inspecting the Opinions on Indian Government Schemes Journal of Adv. Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11,
1943023X 0.112
Kumar P. K, Nandagopalan S Investigation of Emotions on Purchased Item Reviews Using Machine Learning Techniques Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 866,
- -
Kumar P. K, Nandagopalan S Emotion Analysis of Product Reviews Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques Jour of Adv. Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 10,
1943023X 0.112
Kumar P. K., Nandagopalan S Insights to Problems, Research Trend and Progress in Techniques of Sentiment Analysis International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 7,
2088-8708 0.296
S. Nandagopalan, N. Pradeep A General Framework for Knowledge Discovery Using High Performance Machine Learning Algorithms International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering 10,
ISNI:0000000091950263 -
Divya K, Dr. S. Nandagopalan Secure Cloud Storage Auditing by Using Third Party Auditor Journal of Computer - JoC 1,
2518-6205 -
S. Nandagopalan, TSB Sudarshan, N. Deepak N. Pradeep Intelligent Echocardiographic Video Analyzer Using Parallel Algorithms Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 265,
- -
S. Nandagopalan, Dr. B. S. Adiga, Dr. TSB Sudarshan, C. Dhanalakshmi, Dr. C. N. Manjuanth A Novel Approach to Medical Image Segmentation Journal of Computer Science 7,
15493636 0.469
S. Nandagopalan, Dr. B. S. Adiga, Dr. TSB Sudarshan, C. Dhanalakshmi, Dr. C. N. Manjunath A Naïve-Bayesian Methodology to Classify Echocardiographic Images through SQL Springer-Verlag, LNCS/LNAI 6746,
- -
S. Nandagopalan, Dr. B. S. Adiga, Dr. TSB Sudarshan, C. Dhanalakshmi, Dr. C. N. Manjunath SQL Based Cardiovascular Ultrasound Image Classification International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 7,
17485681 0.624
S. Nandagopalan, Dr. B. S. Adiga, Dr. TSB Sudarshan, C. Dhanalakshmi, Dr. C. N. Manjunath A content-based image retrieval system for echo images using SQL-based clustering approach Journal of Imaging Science 60,
1368-2199 0.83
S. Nandagopalan, Dr. B. S. Adiga, N. Deepak A Universal Model for Content-Based Image Retrieval International Journal of Computer Science 4,
ISNI:0000000091950263 -

2. Details of Research Papers Published in Conference(s) / Seminar(s) etc.

Author(s) Title of the Paper Name of Conference/Seminar etc. Name of the Publisher Year of Publication Vol. No. and Page Number
S. Nandagopalan, Kumar P K Deep Convolutional Network Based Saliency Prediction for Retrieval of Natural Images International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization, Thailand Springer 2018
Kumar P K, S. Nandagopalan Investigation of Emotions on Purchased Item Reviews using Machine Learning Techniques International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization, Thailand Springer 2018
Kumar P. K, Nandagopalan S Novel Framework for Data Transformation for Yielding Structured Data in Opinion Mining International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer, and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT) IEEE 2018 781-785
S. Nandagopalan, N. Pradeep A General Framework for Knowledge Discovery Using High Performance Machine Learning Algorithms 18th International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, Paris WASET 2016
S. Nandagopalan, N. Pradeep Intelligent Echocardiographic Video Analyzer Using Parallel Algorithms 9th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (IC2IT2013), Bangkok Springer 2013 157-166
S. Nandagopalan, B. S. Adiga, TSB Sudarshan, C. Dhanalakshmi Multifeature Based Retrieval of 2D and Color Doppler Echocardiographic Images for Clinical Decision Support The Fifth Malaysian Software Engineering Conference, Malaysia IEEE 2011 319-324
S. Nandagopalan, B. S. Adiga, C. Dhanalakshmi A Naïve-Bayesian Methodology to Classify Echocardiographic Images through SQL Fifth International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems Springer 2010 24-30
S. Nandagopalan, B. S. Adiga, C. Dhanalakshmi, N. Deepak Automatic Segmentation and Ventricular Border Detection of 2D Echocardiographic Images Combining K-Means Clustering and Active Contour Model International Conf. IEEE Computer Society and ACM Digital Library, Thailand IEEE 2010 447 - 451
S. Nandagopalan, B. S. Adiga, C. Dhanalakshmi, N. Deepak Color Doppler Echocardiographic Image Analysis via Shape and Texture Features International Conf. IEEE, ICBBT-2010, China IEEE 2010 139-143

3.Details of Books / Chapter in Book(s) Published:

Sl.No. Title Status of Authorship Publisher Place Year of Publication ISBN
1 Object Oriented Programming With C++ Sole Author Shiva Book Center Bangalore 2000 5551234022809
2 Fundamentals of Data Structures with C Sole Author Sapna Book House Bangalore 2003 9788128001475
3 Data Structures with C Sole Author Sapna Book House Bangalore 2009 9788128007200
4 Analysis and Design of Algorithms with C/C++ Sole Author Sapna Book House Bangalore 2010 9788128000072
5 Database Management Systems Sole Author Sapna Book House Bangalore 2012 978-81-280-0075-1
6 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Sole Author Sapna Book House Bangalore 2013 9788128021251
7 Data structures and Applications Sole Author Sapna Book House Bangalore 2016 9789386274229

* Sole author, joint author, third author, fourth author etc., editor, joint editor, member of the editorial board and such other.

4. R&D Grants:

Project Title Sanctioned Date and Duration Amount Funding Agency Status Faculty Involved
IoT Excellence Centre and Smart Parking System for Urban Cities Submitted but not sanctioned
(Oct 2018)
24 Lakhs VGST - Dr. S. Nandagopalan
Cardamom Grading Using Machine Learning Techniques Submitted but not sanctioned
(Jan 2019)
12,500 KSCST - Dr. S. Nandagopalan
Standardized Digital Raw Milk Quality Analyzer Submitted
(Dec 2020)
15,120 KSCST Granted Dr. S. Nandagopalan
IoT based Real Time Smart Parking System for Vehicles in Urban Cities Submitted but not sanctioned
(Dec 2019)
4.75 Lakhs i-TEC - Dr. S. Nandagopalan

5. Details of UG /PG Projects/ Dissertations / Mini Projects Guided, If Any:(Only last 3 years data is shown)

Title UG/PG Important Contribution/Results Achieved
Standardized Digital Raw Milk Quality Analyzer UG Developed for Indian conditions/Able to analyze accurately.
Moving Object Detection Using CNN UG An innovative idea for blind persons/As expected
Forensic face sketch recognition using computer vision UG Innovative method for nabbing culprits/Okay (depends upon the quality of the sketch)
Digital Food Image Recognition and Nutrition Estimation UG A new and fast way to compute the nutrition level - useful for aged people/Not suitable for food containing mixed ingredients
Cardamom Grading Using Machine Learning Techniques UG Total shift from manual to automatic cardamom grading - boon to farmers/very good results achieved on green cardamom (Munnar based)
Analysis of Abnormal Driving Behaviour with Smart Phones by Applying Machine Learning Technique UG A must for Indian roads and drivers and all types abnormal driving addressed/very good results achieved as expected
Controlling a Toy Car using Voice Recognition UG Use of Google technologies and useful under natural disaster situations/Able to move the car using different voice commands.
Street Light Management & Controller PG IoT based smart street light management which is useful to save energy and monitor faulty lights/tested with prototype model
Synchronization tool for Shipping status in CRM PG For all types of corporate business/as expected
Quote-to-Cash Pricing Configuration Using APTTUS CPQ PG Unique idea quotations/tested and results encouraging with real-time data.

6. Seminars/Workshops:

Number of Seminars / Conferences organized Number of Workshops organized Number of Seminars / Conferences chaired Number of Seminar /Conference papers presented Number of Seminars / Conferences attended Number of Workshops attended
5 4 5 14 20 35

7. Meritorious Awards:

Description Yes / no Details of award
Patents Yes Title of the Invention:
"A Collaborative Smart Crop Yield Prediction and Estimation System"
Patent id: 202141010849

8. Membership to Professional Bodies:

Sl.No. Name of the Professional Body Status of Membership* Other Details
1 Indian Society for Technical in Education (ISTE) Life Member LM 22026
2 International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology(IACSIT) Life Member 80336643
3 Computer Society of India (CSI) Annual Member

9. Number of PhD's/ M Phil guided:

a) Ph. D candidates successfully guided and awarded: 1
b) Ph. D candidates enrolled and guiding presently: 2
c) Ph. D candidates guided and awarded: 1

10. Instructional Materials prepared, if any (give details):

Sl.No. Type of Instructional Material Title Subject
1 YouTube Channel(NandaAcademies) Understand Biconnected Components, BFS, How to Write an ER Diagram, Minimal Cover, Concept of Cover & Minimal Cover, Database Normalization, Double Ended Queue, etc. DSA, DBMS, Data Mining
9 Live Video (VTU E-Learning) J2EE Concepts Java & J2EE
10 Recorded Video VTU E-Learning Data Structures and Applications DSA

11. Other Information

a) a) LIC, BOE, and BOS Member of VTU. Member, BOE, Jain University
b) Designed and developed an Intranet/Internet based web portal for CS department called "CS-SDP" using ASP.NET C# and Oracle 11g DBMS
c) Billing Application using Visual Studio 2017 and MySQL for a Cardamom Trading Agency
d) Accredited twice by NBA (2004 and 2008). Responsible for campus wide computer network project and modernization of computing facilities. Designed several in-house automation projects
e) Program In-Charge of IGNOU Program Study Centre, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore for 11 years.
f) Nodal Officer for ARIIA 2021

Name Dr. Sathyanarayana N
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification with Details B.E.,M.Tech., Ph.D
AICTE Faculty ID 1-2184530115
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 1-Aug-13
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 13 Years Industry: 1 Year
Website URL
Area of specialization Image Processing
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE Lifetime Membership
Awards and Recognition Received Gold Medal for Academic Excellence in M.Tech.
Publications 1) A survey on Vehicle Detection and Classification for Electronic Toll Collection applications, Springer Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, September 2022 
2) Vehicle Type Detection and Classification using Enhanced Relief Algorithm and Long Short Term Memory Network, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Springer, December, 2022
3) “Vehicle Type Detection and Classification Using Enhanced ReliefF Algorithm and Long Short- Term Memory Network”, published in Journal of the Institution of Engineers- Volume 104, Issue 2, 2023
4) “Vehicle Type Classification Using Hybrid Features and a Deep Neural Network”, published in IJAMC Journal-Volume 13, Issue 1, 2022
5) “A Survey on Vehicle detection and Classification for Electronic Toll Collection applications”, Published in Springer lecture notes, Volume 903, Issue 1, 2021
6)Dr. Sathyanarayana N,"Vehicle Type Detection and Classification Using Enhanced ReliefF Algorithm and Long Short- Term Memory Network",Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Springer India
7)Dr. Sathyanarayana N,"Vehicle Type Classification Using Hybrid Features and a Deep Neural Network",IJAMC Journal
8)Dr. Sathyanarayana N,"A Survey on Vehicle detection and Classification for Electronic Toll Collection applications",Springer lecture notes
9)Dr. Sathyanarayana N,"Machine learning approach for brain tumor detection and classification",IRJCS(International Research Journal of Compuiter Science)
10)Dr. Sathyanarayana N,"Tumor detection and classification using random forest algorithm in brain MRI",IRJCS(International Research Journal of Compuiter Science)
11)Dr. Sathyanarayana N,"Automatic Student Attendance Management System Using Facial Recognition",IJETCSE Journal
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences  Attended
1) WIPRO MISSION 10X(5 days)
2) Computer Vision and Image Processing(6 days)
3) Research Methodology and Data Analysis(4 days)
4) LaTeX(5 days)
5) Advances in Artifitial Intelligence
6) Machine learning and Robotics(5 days)
Name Dr. Stella A
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details B.E Computer Science Engineering, PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore
M.E Computer Science Engineering, UVCE, Bangalore
Ph.D., Computer Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore
AICTE Faculty ID 1-475737501
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 27.07.2007
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 19 yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Machine Learning
Internet of Things
Publications Review spam detection using machine learning, IRJCS
A. Stella, P. Vasanthikumari, “Forecasting of Chronic Kidney Disease and Analysis of the Classifiers using ML based Classification Approaches ”, International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA), 2021.
A.Stella, "Few shot learning for cross domain CKD and prediction based on homomorphing filter with tuna swarm optimization"Multimedia Tools and Applications
A.Stella,"Forecasting of Chronic Kidney Disease and Analysis of the Classifiers using ML based Classification Approaches"ICAECA - IEEE Xplore
A.Stella,Early prediction of Chronic kidney disease in adolescents using machine learning,IJARCCE
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences A 5 day FDP on Machine Learning conducted by AICTE
A 2 day Seminar on Funding opportunities for research projects - Upgrade Your Research Idea into a Funding Proposal conducted by Vemana Insititute of Technology
A 3 days International Summit on Next Generation Smart Machines organized by Karunya University
A 5 day FDP on Emerging technologies in Web &Data engineering organized by Department of ISE, Vemana IT.
A 5 day FDP on R Language and R Studio conducted by Cambridge Institute of Technology.
A 5 day FDP on Contemporary Research Trends in Electronics & Communications, and Computer Science Technologies for Societal Needs-Real time applications of AI, ML and Research Initiatives organized by VTU.
A 3 Day Workshop on Cloud Computing at New Horizon College of Engineering
Name Ms. J Ruby Dinakar
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details B.E (Computer Science & Engg), MS University
M.E (Computer Science and Engg), Anna University
(PhD) (VTU) Pursuing
AICTE Faculty ID 1-466031493
Date of Joining the Institute 3-Jun-08
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 15.6 yrs Industry: 2.6 yrs
Area of Specialization Data Analytics
Big Data
Publications Total No. of Publications: 07
International Conference & Journals - 6
National Conference - 01
Membership of Professional Bodies Life Time Member of ISTE
Awards and Recognition "Best Performance award for faculty member in Information Technology, SRM University for the year 2006 - 07 IBM DB2 certification for Universal Database v8.1 fmily. Big data Engineering with Hadoop and Spark certification from EC&IT IIT Roorkee."
Publications Clustering objects for spatial datamining, VISION 05, a national conference on High Performance Computing, held at Tirunelveli.
Preservation of integrity and security in range queries and providing security using digital signature in WSN's, AICEE 15, held at Vemana Institute of Technology.
A study on storage mechanism for heterogeneous sensor data on big data paradigm, IEEE, April 2018, ISBN - 978-1-5386-1205-7.
IOT Based Home Security System using Raspberry Pi, IJIRCCE, May 2018, Vol. 6, Issue 5
HSEPM: Home Security and Efficient Power Management, IEEE, May 2018, 978-1-5386-2440-1
Smart Library System with Enhanced security using RFID Technology, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, June 2018, 978-81-937041-8-9
Pollution Monitoring System Based On Iot. IJIRAE - International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering, Issue 06, Volume 6 (June 2019)
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Attended VISION 05, a national conference on High Performance Computing, 2005
"Attended Tutorial on "Principles of Network Cyptography", on December 2005 at SRM university Attended International Conference on Information Security and Computer Forensics (ISCF 2006) at SRM University."
"Attended Tutorial on "Principles of Network Security", on December 2005 at SRM university.
Attended worksshop on Data warehousing and Business Intelligence by IIT Madras on august 2007.
Attended worksshop on JBOSS development by WIPRO.
Attended worksshop on Java and J2EE framework by IBM on June 2006 at SRM University.
Attended worksshop IBM DB2 by IBM on Feb 2006 at SRM University."
"Participated in FDP on Research Methodology and Data Analysis by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy from 17.06.2020 to 20.06.2020
Participated in FDP on Emerging technologies in Web &Data engineering by Vemana IT from 1.07.2020 to 5.07.2020"
Participated in FDP on Artificial Intelligence by Vellore institute of technology from 14.09.2020 to 18.09.2020. Participated in FDP on LaTex by Spoken Tutorial Project at IIT Bombay from 7.12.2020 to 11.12.2020.
Participated in FDP on Design and coducting effective programming labs by BITES from 02.01.2021 to 06.02.2021.
Participated in Web-a-Thon and completed Internship on Developing website by Godaddy.
"Participated in FDP on improving teaching methods on 2013 at Vemana Institute of Technology
Participated in FDP by IBM on July 2008 at Vemana Institute of Technology"
Presented a paper in "Nanational Conference on High Performance Computing - VISION 05"
Presented a paper in the 3rd international conference on IEEE RTEICT 2018
Presented a paper in "2 nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques - ICEECCOT-2017.
Participated in International Conference on Information Security and Computer Forensics (ISCF 2006) at SRM University.
Name Ms. Gauri Sameer Rapate
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.E., (Ph.D)
AICTE Faculty ID 1-761815916
Date of Joining the Institute 28-07-2011
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 13yrs Industry: NIL
Website URL
Area of Specialization Networking in Internet of Things
Java & J2EE
Automata & Theory of Computability
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Awards and Recognition NPTEL Gold Medal for JAVA course
Publications A Survey on Routing Protocols of Internet of Things, ISSN(Online): 2320-9801, ISSN (Print) : 2320-9798, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering"
"Energy Efficient QoS guaranteed Cross Layer Solution (EEQCL) for Mesh Backbone IOT Networks", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Energy and Routing Efficiency in IoT: Proposal for Combined Approach, ICEECCOT-2018
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Attended
Energy and Routing Efficiency in IoT: Proposal for Combined Approach, ICEECCOT-2018
Name Ms. Sridevi K.N
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.Tech, (Ph.D)
AICTE Faculty ID 1-2919173890
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 27th July 2015
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 22 yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Data Mining
Publications Agriculture analysis using Ensemble learning technique, IRJCS
Information Retrieval through Query Clustering and Query Classification-Review,
Secure Data sharing in cloude Computing using Recocable Data using CP-ABE technique
Automated Detection of Malaria Parasite in Blood Sample using Digital Image Processing
Mobility Assisted Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks
Mobility Assisted-Adhoc on demand distance Vector Routing
Secure Network Discovery for Risk-Aware Framework in MANET
Energy Efficient and Secure, Trusted network discovery for Wireless Sensor Ntworks
Sridevi K N,"Comparative Study on Various Clustering Algorithms Review",International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems ICICCS
Sridevi K N,"Analytic comparison of various classifier algorithm",International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems ICICCS
Sridevi K N,"Integrative Information Retrieval with a Consumer Strategy Approach",3rd International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing Communication & Security (ICIIC 2021)
Sridevi K N,"A Study of Prototyping in Information Retrieval Process Utilizing Context Requirements and Feature Sample Sizes",Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing Communication & Security (ICIIC 2021)
Sridevi K N,"Hierarchical Cluster-Based Model to Evaluate Accuracy Metrics Based on Cluster Efficiency",Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 334,
Sridevi K N,"Doc-To-Tokens based Pre-Processing in Information Retrieval System",Webology, Volume 18, Special Issue on Current Trends in Management and Information Technology, October, 2021
Membership of Professional Bodies CSI
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences  Attended
Emerging Technologies in Web and Data Engineering
Sensors and Their Applications
International Conference on data engineering and Communication systems ICDECE-2019
Outcome Based Education and NBA Accreditation
Name Ms. Bhavana Nagaraj
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification B.E., MS(USA)., (PhD)
AICTE Faculty ID 1-1456775706
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 1st Feb 2012
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 11yrs Industry: 2 yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Software Engineering
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Awards and Recognition Conferred with the CRLA-International tutor program Level 1 certification
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Attended
FDP on "LaTeX", at Vemana IT, conducted by Spoken Tutorials, IIT Bombay
FDP on "Sensors and Their Applications", at Vemana IT
Examination Reforms by AICTE
FDP on Faculty Pedagogical Development
ACCE -2015, Dept of Computer Science & Engg, Vemana IT
ACCE -2017, Dept of Computer Science & Engg, Vemana IT
Name Dr. Aruna Reddy. H
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification with Details BE(ISE)
AICTE Faculty ID 1-475061375
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 7-Jul-10
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 13yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Wireless Sensor Network
Publications Mrs. Aruna Reddy H,"A Comprehensive Analysis of Soft Computing Techniques for Effective Routing in WSN",IJIRISE
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Workshop on research Methodology
Conference - ACCE - 2019
Additional activities(if any) KSCST project Awared 5,000 for Optical recoginisation for Blind People
Name Ms. Vijaya S.C
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details B.E, Information Science and Engineering
M.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering
AICTE Faculty ID 1-466031423
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 7-Jul-10
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 13.5 yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Data Mining
Computer Networking
Publications NIL
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Awards and Recognition NIL
Publications Vijaya S C, Nisha V Nishat Fathima Pooja P Rahima Kousar, "TripImputor: Real Time Imputing Taxi Trip Purpose Leveraging Multi-Sourced Urban Data", Volume 6 (May 2019), Issue 06, International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS), ISSN: 2393-9842.
Vijaya S C, Shreya N, Shiksha, Aneesh Krishna R, "E-BAG Using IoT", Volume 4 (May 2017), Issue 05, International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS), ISSN: 2393-9842.
Vijaya SC, P Vasavi, R Bhavitha Reddy, K Swetha Kumari, "Survey on Dynamic Ownership Management for Secure Data De-duplication", Volume 4 (May 2017), Issue 05, International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS), ISSN: 2393-9842.
Vijaya S C, Priya C, "Cross-Network YouTube Video Promotion: A Survey", Vol. 4, Issue 2, February 2016, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computerand Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), ISSN (Online): 2320-9801, ISSN (Print): 2320-9798.
Vijaya S.C, Lakshmi Devi K.N, "A Survey on Confidentiality and Authentication in Content Based Publish/Subscribe System", May 15 Volume 3 Issue 5, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), ISSN: 2321-8169, PP: 3433 - 3435.
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Attended Two days workshop on The Journey Of A Data Packet In Networks at AXONE Technology Services(2018)
Three days FDP on Hands on Python for Data Science: Insight into Machine Intelligence with Tensorflow organised by Dept. of ISE, Reva University(2017)
A work shop on Faculty Pedagogical Development Programme organized by Vemana Institute of technology(2015)
Five days VTU-VGST FDP on Advances in Data Mining & Data Warehousing organized by Dept. of CSE, T. John Institute of Technology(2012)
A work shop on NCLA - SLES Modules 3031 & 3102 organized by Dept. of ISE, Vemana Institute of technology(2011)
Name Dr. Manjushree C. V
Designation Associate Professor
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
AICTE Faculty ID 1-762037606
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 8th June 2011
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 13 Years
Website URL
Publications Malware Detection Across Clusters, Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, IEEE Conference, Jan 2023
Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 1142-1150, DOI: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090979.
Manjushree C V and Nandakumar A N,"A Hybrid Double Encryption Approach for Enhanced Cloud Data Security in Post-Quantum Cryptography",International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
Manjushree C V and Nandakumar A N,"An Improved Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm for Malware Intrusion Detection in Cloud Storage",International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE)
Name Ms. Mythili.M
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details B.E Computer Science Engineering, CIET, Coimbatore
M.E Network Engineering, Anna University, Coimbatore
Ph.D. (Pursuing), Computer Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore
AICTE Faculty ID 1-761815920
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 30-Aug-11
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 13 yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Machine Learning
Internet of Things
Publications Published a paper " Crop Monitoring to measure the internal quality of onion" in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
Mythili M,"Image based onion disease detection using deep tional neural networkconvolu",IJACSA
Mythili M,"Machine vision based automatic disease symptom detection of onion downy mildew",Journal of computers and electronics in Agriculture
Mythili M,"Smart Agriculture based on cloud computing and IoT",Journal of Convergence Information Technology
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences A 5 day FDP on Machine Learning conducted by AICTE
A 2 day Seminar on Funding opportunities for research projects - Upgrade Your Research Idea into a Funding Proposal conducted by Vemana Insititute of Technology
A 3 days International Summit on Next Generation Smart Machines organized by Karunya University
A 5 day FDP on Emerging technologies in Web & Data engineering organized by Department of ISE, Vemana IT.
A 5 day FDP on ICT Tools for Technology Infused Learning - Module 1 conducted by Saveetha Engineering College.
A 5 day FDP on ICT Tools for Technology Infused Learning - Module 2 conducted by Saveetha Engineering College.
A 5 day FDP on Contemporary Research Trends in Electronics & Communications, and Computer Science Technologies for Societal Needs-Real time applications of AI, ML and Research Initiatives organized by VTU.
Name Mr. B V Vinay
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details B.E (Computer Science & Engineering from VTU)
M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering from VTU)
AICTE Faculty ID 1-2919190969
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 27-Jul-15
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 11 yrs Industry: 02 yrs
Website URL
Area of Specialization Computer Vision (Image Processing)
Publications Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning, IRJCS
MEGACOSM - Detection and Classification of Astronomical Objects, IRJCS
Combination of load balancing and colouration mechanism for inverse of Brodcasting in WSNs for getting Higher Performance, ICCSEMS-2020
B V Vinay,"Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning",IRJCS(International Research Journal of Compuiter Science)
B V Vinay,"Megacosm-Detection and Classification of Astronomical Objects",IRJCS(International Research Journal of Compuiter Science)
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE
IAENG ( Member No. -137943)
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Participated in FDP on "LaTeX", at Vemana IT, conducted by Spoken Tutorials, IIT Bombay from 07/12/2020 to 11/12/2020.
Participated in FDP on "IoT Protocols and WSN-Theory and Practice", at Vemana IT from 17/08/2020 to 21/08/2020.
Participated in FDP on "Sensors and Their Applications", at Vemana IT from 13/07/2020 to 17/07/2020.
Participated in FDP on "Natural Language Processing with Python", at RRIT from 01/07/2020 to 11/07/2020.
Participated in FDP on "Contemporary Research in EC and CS", conducted by VTU from 06/07/2020 to 10/07/2020.
Participated in FDP on "Research Methodology and Data Analysis", conducted by KSTA from 17/06/2020 to 20/06/2020.
Participated in FDP on "Fundamentals of Machine Learning", conducted by ICT Academy from 12/06/2020 to 18/06/2020.
Name Ms. R. Vijaya Lakshmi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.E(P.HD)
AICTE Faculty ID 1-10678200306
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 01/10/21
Work Experience Teaching : 17yrs
Area of Specialization Computer Science and engineering
Compiler Design, Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Publications 1. Published a paper in "International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management and Applied Science" in 2016 entitled “Vehicle Movement Tracked Street Lightening” page No 84-85,Volume 5,Issue 4th month April,ISSN:2278-2540.
2. PUBLISHED a paper in IFERP(Institute for Engineering Research and Publication) journal entitled "A Smart Usage of RFID Technology for metro transportation" on 28th Nov-2018, ISBN :978-81-939399-5-6
3. PUBLISHED a paper in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH REVIEW IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (IJRREM) entitled "A Novel Approach on Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning" on Dec-2018 with a Scribd impact Factor: 4.7317, Academia Impact Factor:1.1610, ISSN NO(Online ): AP No :19702
4. PUBLISHED a paper in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research JETIR entitled "Bandwidth management and data mining of student's behavioral patterns using hybrid datamining technique" on Feb 13th 2019, 6th issue, an UGC Approved Journal with a impact Factor of 5.87 and ISSN: 2349-5162.
5. PUBLISHED a paper in "Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Soft Computing" entitled "Machine Learning for Cyber Security using Big Data Analytics" on 7th August 2019 Volume 4 Issue 2 in Mantech Publications. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3362228.
6.R.Vijaya Lakshmi,Beri Sasidhar Reddy, Gajjala UmaDiraj Kumar Reddy, Genusugaddala Thirumalesh Yadav, Jeevan Kumar S,"Block Chain Based Biometric Authentication Scheme",IRJCS(International Research Journal of Compuiter Science)
Membership of Professional Bodies ISTE - Professional membership
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences National Conferences Papers Presented
1. Presented a Paper in National Conference at BTLIT,Bangalore entitled “Efficient and Effective Duplicate Detection in Hierarchical Data”on 30th April 2013.
2. Presented a Paper in National Conference at BTI, Bangalore. entitled "Middleware architecture for Intelligence in Vesicular safety over Manet" on 30th April 2013.
3. Guided students to present a paper on "Finding Hidden Objects Using Eye Scanner" at National conference held in SSEC, Bangalore on 26th Sep 2013.
4. Guided students to present a paper on "Natural Language Processing" in All India Conference held at Adhiyamaan college of Engineering, Hosur on Sep 15th and 16th, 2014, Tamil Nadu.
5. Presented a technical Paper entitled "Plant disease Detection Techniques Using Canny Edge Detection and colour Histogram in Image Processing" in a National Conference held at Adhiyamaan college of Engineering, Hosur on 6th & 7th Mar-2015, Tamil Nadu.
6. Presented a Paper in National conference on Computational simulation and its applications in Association with the journal (IJSESC) entitled "Biometric verification Using Face Recognition" on 5th Nov 2015, organized by Dept of CSE in SSEC, Anekal, Bangaklore
7. Presented a paper in NCRTCSIT, entitled "Patient Monitoring in Ambulance with Traffic control system" on April 23rd and 24th, 2015, at SJCIT, Chickballapur.
8. Presented a paper in National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology and applications (NCETETA-2010) entitled "A Web Based Remote Visualization system in Network Computing Services" held on 12th and 13th Nov 2019 at Shirdi sai Engineering College, Bangalore.
9. Presented a paper in National Conference on Computer Applications & Communication Systems 2016 entitled "Design of Mobile RFID Technology in CDMA Networks" on 26th February 2016 at BTL Institute of Technology, Chandapura, Bangalore.
10. Presented a paper in National Conference on Computer Applications & Communication Systems 2016 "entitled “Android Based Handicapped Wheel Chair" on 26th February 2016 at BTL Institute of Technology, Chandapura, Bangalore.
Attended more than 21 workshops and Seminars on Faculty Development Programmes.
1. Attended AICTE sponsored 1 week FDP on "Faculty Skills Enrichment" from 20th Jan to 25th Jan 2014 in SSEC-Anekal.
2. Participated in AICTE Sponsored 6 Days, Staff Development Program on "Intelligent E-Technology & Web Computing" from 10th Dec to 15th Dec 2012 organized by CSE Dept in SSEC.
3. Attended 5 days of Infosys Campus Connect "Soft Skills training" workshop in SJCIT-Chickballapur from Dec 17th to Dec 21st 2007.
4. Attended Staff Development Program, AICTE Sponsored on "Mobile Networks" at Sri Sai Ram Engineering college-Chennai from 19th Jan-30th Jan 2009.
5. Attended a one day Workshop on "Microprocessor Interfacing" held on April 2nd, 2009 conducted by CSE dept at Auden Technology And Mgt Academy, Bangalore.
6. Attended a one day Workshop on "Recent Researches in Mathematics and its applications" On 22nd Dec 2010, Organized by Dept of Mathematics, SSEC, Bangalore.
7. Attended a one day Workshop on "Advanced Wireless Communication and Networks" On 11thJuly 2014, Organized by Dept Electronics and Communication Engineering at Hosur Institute of Technology and science, Krishnagiri, TN.
8. Attended AICTE sponsored 2 week FDP on "Visual System Programming" On 23rd sep to 7th October 2013 Organized by Dept Of ECE at Sri Sai Ram college of Engineering, Bangalore.
9. Attended AICTE sponsored 1 week FDP on "Faculty Skills Enrichment" from 20th Jan to 25th Jan 2014 in SSEC-Anekal.
10. Attended a training program on "Quality Management System and Audit Training" Organized by Creative Management Consultants during 29th August 2015 at Sri Sairam College of Engineering.
11. Attended a faculty development program on "Future Challenges for the Techno Professional Faculty" On 18th and 19th Jan 2016 organized by Dept of Science and Humanities at Sri Sairam College of Engineering.
12. Attended a Faculty Development Program on "IOT and its Applications" on 30th Nov-2018 Organized by Er. Perumal Manimekalai College Of Engineering, Tamilnadu, in association with IEEE.
13. Attended a three days Faculty Development Program on "ICT Tools and Effective Research" organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering held from 28th to 30th January 2019 in AMC College of Engineering, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore.
14. Attended a 2-days Workshop conducted by IET on "Outcome Based Education" on Jan 17th and 18th 2019 in ALLIANCE UNIVERSITY.
15. Attended a 3-days Faculty Development Program on "Cyber Security and Digital Forensics" during 12th to 14th December, 2019 at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
16. Attended Three days FDP program on "Data science with Python" from 6th Jan to 8th Jan 2020 conducted by ICT academy at KLE society Degree college, Nagarbavi, Bangalore
17. Has Participated in webinar on "Research trends and opportunities in Cryptography" organized by computer science and Engineering of East West Institute Of Technology, Bengaluru on 20th June 2020.
18. Attended a webinar on "Deep Learning in Telecommunication" on 20th May 2020 at KIT Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, TN
19. Attended a five days online Faculty Development Program on "A Devops Approach: Dockers in blockchain" held from 17th June to 21st June 2020 at AMC Engineering College Bangalore.
20.Attended Webinar on "Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis" organised by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Institution's Innovation Council cell of SRIET-Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Tachnology, Anna University, Chennai on 24.05.2020.
21. Attended Seminar on the Virtual Book Launch of the thought leadership publication titled "The Future of Higher Education - Nine Mega Trends" by ICT Academy, on Tuesday the 30th Jun 2020 at 10.30 am. The Honorable Vice President of India Shri M Venkaiah Naidu has consented to be the Chief Guest of the event and to virtually release d this publication.
19. Attended a five days online Faculty Development Program on "A Devops Approach: Dockers in blockchain" held from 17th June to 21st June 2020 at AMC Engineering College Bangalore.
International Conferences Papers Presented
1. Presented a technical Paper entitled "Comparative Studies of ODMRP and EGMP protocols over MANET" in 2nd International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business & Technology for sustainable Development at "Sri Ganesh School of Business Management", Salem(TN), held on 22nd Feb 2013.
2. Presented a technical Paper entitled "Performance study of EGMP over Mobile Ad Hoc networks" in International conference on "Next generation of Mobile services, Applications& Technologies" at Bon Secours college for Women", Thanjavur, (TN)held on 13th & 14th Feb 2013.
3. Presented a technical Paper entitled "A Theoritical Analysis of Android and its Applications" in 3rd International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business & Technology for sustainable Development at "Sri Ganesh School of Business Management", Salem (TN), held on 25nd Feb 2014.
4. Published a Paper entitled “Improving Data D-Duplication Efficiency by exploiting application awareness "International Conference" at Bell Hotel & Convention Centre Bangalore on 5th April-2015.
5. Presented a Paper in International Conference entitled "Plant disease Detection Techniques tool-A theoretical approach at International Conference on Computation systems for Health & sustainability" on 17th & 18th April 2015 at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore.
6. Published a paper in "International Conference on applied Science Engineering and Technology" entitled "Vehicle Movement Tracked Street Lightening" on 6th - 7th June 2016, organized at SSCE, Anekal
7. Organized Two Seminars on Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning
Additional activities(if any) Organized Industrial visits to TCS and CDAC for second and third year students
Completed 8 Online Courses in Course Era
Name Mrs. Jyothi M
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.Tech
AICTE Faculty ID
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 13-Oct-2021
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 9 Years
Website URL
Area of Specialization Computer Networks
Publications Presented a paper in the international conference on "Advanced Computing and Information Technology",
Title: A Comparative Study on Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
Presented a paper in the international journal (IJARCSSE)
Title: A Comparative Study on Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
Workshop/Seminars/Conferences Participated in 3 days workshop conducted by IBM on the topic IBM SOA
Participated in workshop conducted by TCSon the topic cloud computing
Participated International Conference on Futuristic Research in Engineering Smart Materials (FRESM'21)” held in cmrit
Participated International Conference on Performance Analysis of AODV Routing Protocol under Flooding Attack in MANET's using NS2" International Conference on recent trends in Signal Processing, Image Processing and VLSI, held in DONBOSCO institute of technology.
Attended "Two days workshop at DBIT, on the topic "Innovative Skills to be Imparted to the Students by Teachers" at DBIT, [u1]One Day Workshop, Bangalore on.
Attended "Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT Technologies" Three Days Workshop at RVCE
Name Ms. Chandana D C
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.Tech CSE
AICTE Faculty ID 1-7363642868
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institute 3-1-2022
Work Experience Teaching: 11 Years
Area of Specialization Computer Science and Engineering
Publications 1. "Geographical information system in spatial data analysis" 30TH APRIL 2013 at BTLIT Bangalore.
2. "Web Image Search Re-Ranking with Click-based Similarity and Typicality" National Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Information Technology and Communication Engineering
3. "Web application supporting vehicle toll payment system using NFC Technique" IJSPR, VOLUME 48, NOV 1, JUNE 2018
4. "Qualitative approach for data security and processing using big data in mobile computing" on 17th feb 2018 organised by Soundarya institute of management and science
5. "Advance Secured storage supporting with the aid of averting redundant information" IJSREM-ISSN:2590-1892, VOLUME-3,7TH JULY 2019
6. "Cloud Computing-Analysis Healthcare And ECG Monitoring System" ISSN:2581-7175, VOLUME 3, ISSUE4-2020, IJSRED.
Conferences/FDP/Workshops 1. "Geospatial solutions for resource conservation and management" January 18th 2012
2. KITE 2016 organiszed by Brindavan college of Engineering
3. KITE 2017 organiszed by Brindavan college of Engineering
4. National conference on "Emerging trends in science and technology" organise by science department Soundarya institute of management and science 17th February 2018
5. KITE 2018 organiszed by Brindavan college of Engineering
6. "Indian science congress" held at University of Agriculture Science, GKVK Bangalore
7. FDP on "Intellectual Property Rights And Profitablity" 31st January 2017 organized by the department of PG studies, Brindavan college Bangalore
8. "Blooms's Taxanomy" organised by the department of PG studies, Brindavan college Bangalore. 29th august 2017.
9. FDP on "DBMS Laboratory with mini project and COMPUTER NETWORKS Laboratory" from 30th august to 3rd September 2018 organized by Department of ISE and CSE at HKBK college of engineering
10. Workshop on "Java and selenium automation" organized by SG software testing institute on 24th august 2019.
11. Workshop on "Internet Of Things" held on 24-01-19 at VTU regional office, Bangalore.
12. "Indian science congress" held at University of Agriculture Science, GKVK Bangalore from 3rd and 7th January 2020
13. "Cyber Security" organized by Department of CSE/ISE Brindavan collegeof engineering in association with Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security, Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST), Govt. of Karnataka. on 5th march 2020.
14. Workshop on "Mobile Application Development" held on 15th april to 17th april 2020 organised by department of information science and engineering
15. "CyberSecurity" organized by Department of CSE/ISE Brindavan collegeof engineering in association with KSCST.
16. Workshop on "Mobile Application Development" organize by Dept.of ISE, Brce 2021.
17. A 3 Day Workshop on "Pedagogy Skils" organized by Brindavan College of Engineering
18. 5 Days FDP Online-"AICTE Incirporating Human Values in Education" from 17th may to 21st May 2021
19. Workshop on "Post COVID-19 Era in Education and Technology" organized by Dr.B.R Ambedkar Institute of Techonolgy.
20. A 2 Day "Quality in Teaching Learning and Assessment Process" from 21st & 22nd March 2022 organized by Vemana Institute of Technology.
21. A 3 Day Workshop on "Intelligent Information Technologies" from 26th-28th May 2022 organized by Department of ISE, Vemana Institute of Technology.
Name Ms. B. Bhagyalakshmi
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.E(Software Engg)
AICTE Faculty ID -
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institution 23rdAugust 2022
Work Experience Teaching : 16 yrs
Area of Specialization COMPUTER SCIENCE& ENGG
Publications NCRTS-2014.National Conference on Real-time System.ISSN:2278-0181pp D020 May-2014
NCMTCS’14.National Conference on Multimedia Technology and Communication System. ISBN: 978-93-5156-722-6 pp 187-191 May-2014
Membership of Professional Bodies NIL
Awards and Recognition NIL
Workshop / Seminars / Conferences Two-day workshop on “Research Directions in computer science & Engg” organized by the department of Computer Science & Engg under TEQIP,UVCE on 21st – 22nd Nov 2008
Mission10X workshop conducted at EWIT at Bangalore, organized by WIPRO TECHNOLOGY from 14th June to 18th June 2011.
Mission10X Conclave conducted at Dayananda Sagar College at Bangalore, organized by WIPRO on 17th October 2011.
Advanced Mission10X workshop conducted at VIT Bangalore, organized by WIPRO held on 15th & 16th Nov 2011.
Big Data Analytics conducted at SJBIT Bangalore,under TEQIP held on Jan 27th to 31st 2014.
Name Mr. Rakesh.B.S
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details B.E. in Information Science & Engineering, CMRIT Bengaluru
M.Tech in Software Engineering, EPCET, Bengaluru
AICTE Faculty ID 1-9315608214
Faculty ORCID
Date of Joining the Institution 23rdAugust 2022
Nature of Association Regular
Work Experience Teaching : 10 yrs     Industry : 0
Area of Specialization Software Engineering,
Cognitive Radio Networks,
Cloud Computing, IOT
Membership of Professional Bodies 1. Member in Computer Science Teachers Association(CSTA)
2. Member(1021) in International Computer Science & Engineering Society (ICSES)
3. Associate Member(AM) in The Institution of Engineers(INDIA)
4. Member in International Association of Engineers(IAENG)
Awards and Recognition -
Publications 1. “Cognitive Radio Channel Allocation And Traffic Scheduling Scheme For System Utility Optimization For Smart Grid Communication System”,IJEECS,2017
2. "Web Application Supporting Vehicle Toll Payment System Using NFC Technique”, (IJSPR), 2018
3. “Hand Gesture Recognition based on Real-time Indian Sign Language”, (IJCSE), 2019
4. Evaluating Performance Of Machine Learning Algorithm For Credit Card Fraud Detection, (IJCESR), 2020
5. Performance Analysis Of Dedicated In Band Control For Cognitive Radio Network, Development, (IJSRED), 2020
6. “A Survey on Resource Allocation & Channel Selection in Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks”, Design Engineering, 2021
7. Sandeep K H,Rakesh B S,"Prediction of Disease in Tomato Leaves with use of Machine Learning Technique",International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology
Workshop / Seminars / Conferences Attended
1. 5 days FDP on" ML & Research Opportunity", Sapthagiri College of Engineering, June 2020
4. 5-day ATAL FDP on "IOT", National Power Training Institute, Aug 2020
5. 5-day ATAL FDP on "SENSORS TECHNOLOGY", Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University Bathinda, Feb 2021
7. 5-day ATAL FDP on "BLOCKCHAIN", The LNM Institute of Information Technology, june 2021
8. 5-day FDP on "EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTATION", M S R I T, Bangalore, Aug 2021
Additional activities (if any) Funded Projects
Filed two patents - Implementing the techniques of machine learning integrated with cogntive radio network to identify the active nodes in wireless sensor transmission
Car driver alcohol level and sleep status detection and notification system using machine learning programming
Name Ms. Vidyashree R
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.Tech in Computer Networking
AICTE Faculty ID -
Faculty ORCID -
Date of Joining the Institution 31/08/2024
Work Experience Teaching : 01 yrs
Area of Specialization Computer Networking
Publications Securing Contact Tracing in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leveraging Block chain for Privacy Protection
Membership of Professional Bodies NIL
Awards and Recognition NIL
Workshop / Seminars / Conferences Hands on Workshop on AI & ML in Marketing and Business
Name Mr.Manjunath J P
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification with Details M.Tech in Computer Networking
AICTE Faculty ID 1-4703553781
Faculty ORCID 0009-0000-3599-7160
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct REGULAR
Date of Joining the Institution 14-10-2024
Work Experience Teaching : 07 yrs
Industry :
Area of Specialization -
Publications -
Membership of Professional Bodies -
Awards and Recognition Best National Conference paper award in ADHICHUNCHANAGIRI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-CHIKKAMAGALURU
PAPER TITLE: ”Android Application for Vehicle Tracking System by Using Vehicle Number”
Workshop / Seminars / Conferences Hands on Workshop on AI & ML in Marketing and Business
Additional activities(if any) -
Name Mr. Vijay Kumar G
Designation Programmar
Qualification B.Tech (Information Technology)
Work Experience 1 years
Date of Joining the Institute 01/7/2022
Area of Specialization Computer Science and Engineering
Workshop / Seminars / Conferences Workshop on "Web designing and Development " during 18th & 19th Feb 2016 at Adhiyamaan college of Engineering
Additional activities( if any ) Interested in Playing & watching Cricket
Interested in Learning New Technologies
Name Mr. Manjunatha E
Designation Lab Instructor
Qualification ITI
Work Experience 10 years
Name Sai Rakesh Yadav C Y
Designation Lab Instructor
Qualification Bachelors of Science (Kuvempu university)
Date of Joining the Institute 17-04-2024
Nature of Association Regular/Contract/Adjunct Regular
Work Experience Teaching: 0 Industry: 0
Laboratory Facility
MAD/ML LAB Facility
35 systems with the following configurations:
HP ProDesk 400 G7 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10500 @2.9
Ghz,16GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk, 256GB SSD, 19.5 Inch Monitor
1 systrem :HP ProDesk 400 G7 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 with
UHD Graphics 630, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk,19.5 Inch Monitor
500Mbps Internet
32 systems with the following configurations:
HP 280 G1 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 @3.20GHz
8 GB RAM,500 GB Hard Disk, 19 Inch Monitor
4 systems with the following configurations:
HP ProDesk 400 G7 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 with
UHD Graphics 630, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk, 19.5 Inch Monitor
HP Laserjet 1020 Plus Printer
500Mbps Internet
44 systems with the following configurations:
HP ProDesk 400 G7 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 with
UHD Graphics 630, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk, 19.5 Inch Monitor
1 system with the following configurations:
HP 280 G2 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 with Intel
HD Graphics 530, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB Hard Disk, 19 Inch Monitor
HP Laserjet 1020 Plus Printer
500Mbps Internet
FS / CN / ML LAB Facility
30 systems with the following configurations:
HP ProDesk 400 G7 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 with
UHD Graphics 630, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk, 19.5 Inch MonitorInch Monitor
1 systrem :HP ProDesk 400 G7 MT Desktop Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 with
UHD Graphics 630, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Disk,19.5 Inch Monitor
500Mbps Internet
4th Semester Toppers List (2023 - 24)
Sl. No NAME USN Percentage Photo
1 SANJANA P 1VI22IS086 90%
2 DHANYA H S 1VI22IS020 89.22%
3 GUNAVATHI S P 1VI22IS029 89.22%
4 VARSHA 1VI22IS119 89.11%
5 FATHIMA M 1VI22IS025 88.67%
6 JAYANAVYA M 1VI22IS037 88.33%
6th Semester Toppers List (2023 - 24)
Sl. No NAME USN Percentage Photo
1 ANIKA MYTHRI N 1VI21IS006 94.38%
3 B V PAVANI 1VI21IS011 91.88%
4 CHANDANA K 1VI21IS019 90.75%
5 SUNAY S 1VI21IS106 88.50%
8th Semester Toppers List (2023 - 24)
Sl. No NAME USN Percentage Photo
1 VENNELA G M 1VI20IS112 94.60%
2 HARSHITHA P 1VI20IS032 94.20%
3 HARSHITHA V 1VI20IS033 92.40%
4 MONISHA M 1VI20IS058 92.40%
5th semester toppers AY 2023-24.
Sl. No NAME USN Percentage Photo
3 SANIDHYA P N 1VI21IS090 87%
4 B V PAVANI 1VI21IS011 86%
5 SUNAY S 1VI21IS106 85.75%
6 CHANDANA K 1VI21IS019 85%
7 SUDEETH R 1VI21IS104 85%
3rd semester toppers AY 2023-24.
Sl. No NAME USN Percentage Photo
1 GUNAVATHI S P 1VI22IS029 89.6%
2 JANAVI D 1VI22IS036 90%
3 DHANYA HS 1VI22IS020 89%
4 FATHIMA M 1VI22IS025 89%
5 SANJANA P 1VI22IS086 89%
7th Semester Toppers List (2023 - 24)
Sl. No NAME USN Percentage Photo
1 VENNELA G M 1VI20IS112 90%
4 SAHANA A 1VI20IS084 85%
5 LINGESH R 1VI20IS044 85%
6 RAKSHA M 1VI20IS075 85%
7 ROHITH R 1VI20IS077 85%
4th Semester Toppers List (2022 - 23)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI21IS005 Angel Grace Ebenezer 93%
2 1VI21IS006 Anika Mythri N 93%
3 1VI21IS011 B V Pavani 88%
4 1VI21IS082 Raghunandan K B 87%
6th Semester Toppers List (2022 - 23)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI20IS115 Vinay Kulkarni V 90%
2 1VI20IS077 Rohith R 88.25%
3 1VI19IS107 Sahana A 88%
4 1VI20IS054 Meghana Jain N 87.25%
4 1VI20IS096 Sowmya M 87%
8th Semester Toppers List (2022 - 23)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI19IS024 CHAITHRA S 93.4 %
2 1VI19IS101 SHUBHA S T 93.2 %
3 1VI19IS107 SWATHI G 93 %
4 1VI19IS038 HARSHITHA B 92.8 %
3rd Semester Toppers List (2022 - 23)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI21IS006 ANIKA MYTHRI N 95 %
3 1VI21IS019 CHANDANA K 90 %
5th Semester Toppers List (2022 - 23)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI20IS115 Vinay Kulkarni V 83 %
2 1VI20IS054 Meghana Jain N 82 %
3 1VI20IS077 Rohith R 82 %
4 1VI20IS096 Sowmya M 81 %
5 1VI20IS064 Prajwal A 81 %
6 1VI20IS053 MeghaHuchchamagundappanavar 80 %
7 1VI20IS058 Monisha M 80 %
7th Semester Toppers List (2022 - 23)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI19IS065 MONIKA M 89 %
2 1VI19IS101 SHUBHA S T 88 %
4 1VI19IS115 THEJASHREE M 85 %
5 1VI19IS024 CHAITHRA S 84 %
6 1VI19IS079 PREETHAM M 84 %
6th Semester Toppers List (2021 - 22)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 VI19IS079 PREETHAM M 76 %
2 1VI19IS107 SWATHI G 76 %
3 1VI19IS024 CHAITHRA S 76 %
4th Semester Toppers List (2021 - 22)
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI20IS084 SAHANA A 84 %
2 1VI20IS115 VINAY KULKARNI V 83.7 %
3 1VI20IS024 MEGHANA JAIN N 82.8 %
4 1VI20IS042 LEKHA K A 82.4 %

A Project Proposal from the department of Information Science & Engineering was approved by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) on 24th April 2022. The details are as follows:

Title: Information System for monitoring the Emotional State of Students using AI

Sanctioned Amount : Rs. 4500

Students : Panchami C R, Pratham K, R Navaratna, Roddam Sushmitha

Guide: Mrs. Mythili M

Synopsis: The project is about facial emotional detection by capturing the human emotion displayed by face and felt by brain through online class video. Student emotion detection is the need of the hour so that modern artificial intelligence systems can emulate and gauge reactions from face. This can be helpful to make informed decisions be it regarding identification of whether students are understanding the concept or need more help with the same. Recognizing emotions from images or video is a trivial task for human eye but proves to be very challenging for machines and requires many image processing techniques for feature extraction.

8th Sem Toppers 2021-22
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI18IS083 ROHAN KESHAV 95 %
2 1VI18IS091 SAHANA P 94%
3 1VI18IS052 MANISHA P 93 %
2015-16 USN Name Percentage % Rank
Even VI Sem 1VI13IS058 Preethi R 81 19
VII Sem 1VI12IS088 Yamuna M 87.33 2
1VI12IS001 Aishwarya Reddy 87.33 2
2014-15 USN Name Percentage % Rank
Odd V Sem 1VI12IS088 Yamuna M 80.56 1
Even II Sem 1VI14IS095 Swetha C.J 86.71 15
IV Sem 1VI13IS051 Neha Jha 82.44 8
VI Sem 1VI12IS088 Yamuna M 81.78 5
VIII Sem 1VI11IS074 Syeda Taheera Fathima 85.73 19
2013-14 USN Name Percentage % Rank
Odd III Sem 1VI12IS088 Yamuna M 84.56 10
Even IV Sem 1VI12IS088 Yamuna M 83.44 8
IV Sem 1VI13IS051 Neha Jha 82.44 8
VI Sem 1VI11IS074 Syeda Taheera Fathima 82.44 16
VIII Sem 1VI10IS016 Dimpy Joshi 88.13 7
1VI10IS052 Pavithra R 87.33 9
1VI10IS048 Naureen Shehnaz 86.4 19

University Gold Medal winners:

Dimpy Joshi 1VI10IS016 (2010-2014 Batch) has been awarded

3ndRank in the 14 TH VTU Annual Convocation.

Yamuna M 1VI12IS088 (2012-2016 Batch) has been awarded

4 TH Rank in the 14 TH VTU Annual Convocation.

8th Sem Toppers 2020-21
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI17IS101 Surabhi H 80.4 %
2 1VI17IS103 Sushmitha N 80.1%
3 1VI17IS087 Shreenidhi N Hedge 79.9%
4 1VI17IS051 Manoj Achari L N 79.8%
5 1VI17IS114 Vishwanatha N 79.5%
7th Sem Toppers 2020-21
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI17IS075 RAKSHA S G 88%
3 1VI17IS074 RAHUL R 85%
4 1VI17IS061 NIRANJAN K R 84%
5th Sem Toppers 2020-21
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
3 1VI18IS091 SAHANA P 80%
4 1VI18IS039 INCHARA T R 79%
5 1VI18IS078 RAMYA R HOLLA 79%
6 1VI18IS088 S VARSHA 79%
7 1VI18IS029 GNANASHRI K V 78%
8 1VI18IS017 CHANDAN K R 78%
3rd Sem Toppers 2020-21
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI19IS101 SHUBHA S T 87%
2 1VI19IS065 MONIIKA M 86%
4 1VI19IS009 ANAGHA S M 84%
5 1VI19IS040 HARSHITHA K 83%
6 1VI19IS024 CHAITHRA S 81%
7 1VI19IS050 KRUTHI B V 81%
8th Sem Toppers 2019-20
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
2 1VI16IS111 SOHAIL S 89%
3 1VI16IS117 SUJITH R 89%
5 1VI16IS066 NAGASHREE K N 88%
7 1VI16IS083 PREETHI D 88%
8 1VI16IS107 SINDHU V 88%
7th Sem 2019-20
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
2 1VI16IS074 PARVATHY V 80%
4 1VI16IS082 PREETHI A 79%
5 1VI16IS084 PRIYANKA A M 79%
5th Sem 2019-20
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI17IS075 RAKSHA S G 80%
2 1VI17IS023 GEENA M 79%
3 1VI17IS074 RAHUL R 77%
4 1VI17IS040 KAVANA R 77%
tr> tr>
3rd Sem 2019-20
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI18IS012 BHAVANA S 86
2 1VI18IS052 MANISHA P 84
7 1VI18IS091 SAHANA P 83
8th Sem 2018-19
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI15IS078 RAMYA N 91%
2 1VI15IS008 ANJANA Y A 90%
3 1VI15IS078 ZAIBA ZEHER 89%
6th Sem 2018-19
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI16IS066 Nagashree K N 83
2 1VI16IS003 Akshatha Nilo Gaonkar 81
3 1VI16IS029 Farheen F 81
4th Sem 2018-19
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Photo
1 1VI17IS075 Raksha S G 83
2 1VI17IS023 Geena M 79
3 1VI17IS005 Anusha B 78
4 1VI17IS112 Vidya J 78
7th Sem
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Marks
1 1VI14IS030 Harshitha H.S 78.11% 703
2 1VI14IS028 Hansa S 77.11% 694
5th Sem
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Marks
1 1VI15IS078 Ramya N 8.62% (SGPA) 647
2 1VI15IS008 Anjana Y A 8.31% (SGPA) 641
4th Sem
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Marks
1 1VI16IS066 Nagashree K N 7.71% (SGPA) 614
2 1VI16IS029 Farheen F 7.86% (SGPA) 610
3rd Sem
Sl. No USN Name Percentage Marks
1 1VI16IS066 Nagashree K N 8.29% (SGPA) 637
2 1VI16IS074 Parvathy V 7.86% (SGPA) 609

Guest Lectures/Seminars/Technical Talks Conducted:

Guest Lecture on Insights of SDLC, STLC and Agile Methodology

The Department of ISE organized Guest Lecture on Insights of SDLC, STLC and Agile Methodology on 3rd December 2024 @ 9:00am.

Venue :ISE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants :87

Resource Person :
Mr.Ramesh S P
Technical Manager

Content of the event:

• What is Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and its significance in developing an application?

• Phases of SDLC like Identifying current problems, Planning, Defining requirements, Design and prototyping, Software development, Testing, Deployment, Operations and maintenance.

• How SDLC helps developers in Defining tasks, Managing resources, Reducing risk, Meeting customer expectations, Improving applications.

• Brief overview of different SDLC models, including Waterfall, Agile, Iterative, DevOps, Spiral, V-model, and Big.

• Soft Testing Lifecycle (STLC) and its purpose.

• STLC phases like Test planning, Test design, Test execution and Test Closure.

• Test cases.

• Bug and JIRA bug lifecycle like New, Assigned, Opened, Duplicate, Differed, Not a Bug, Rejected, Reopened, Fixed, Retest, Verified, and Closed.

• Agile methodology and how it is different from waterfall model.

• Agile different frameworks and methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and XP.

• Sprint, Sprint planning, story, story points,

• A kanban board, burndown chart and Burnup Chart.

Guest Lecture on Insights of SDLC, STLC and Agile Methodologyt
Ms. Kkushi K, from 5’ A’ Section, Dept. of ISE giving the welcome speech
Guest Lecture on Insights of SDLC, STLC and Agile Methodologyt
Participants at the gueat lecture
Guest Lecture on Insights of SDLC, STLC and Agile Methodologyt
Resource person delivering the presentation


The Guest Lecture provided valuable insights into the diverseaspects of software development which includes important tools like SDLC, STLC, and Agile methodology.

The Guest Lecture onAutomata Theory -Turing Machines

The Department of ISE organized a Guest Lecture on Automata Theory – Turing Machines, on 30th November 2024 @ 9:00 am.

Resource Person:
Dr. A. M. Padma Reddy
Professor and Dean Admissions and Student Welfare
Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Rajanukunte, Bengaluru

Content of the event:

• DFA and its construction

• Context Free Grammar

• Pumping Lemma and its application in proving that the language is not regular.

• Introduction to Turing Machines

• How to construct the transition table for the Turing Machine problem by processing the input?

• How to write the transition diagram for the Turing Machine from the constructed transition table?

• Definition of Turing Machine

Guest Lecture on Automata Theory – Turing Machines
Prof. Padma Reddy interacting with the students.
Guest Lecture on Automata Theory – Turing Machines
Prof. Padma Reddy presenting the contents


Students learnt about the Turing Machines and related problems.

Field Trip to University of Agricultural Sciences

The Department of ISE has organized a Field Trip to University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore on 29th> November 2024 @9:00 am.

Participants: Third Semester Engineering Students


The field trip to the Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra (GKVK) Campus at the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, aimed to explore and understand the university’s engagement with social initiatives, organic farming, and waste management practices. This visit was part of the curriculum under the Social Connect and Responsibility Activities Module, which highlights sustainable agricultural practices and their impact on communities and the environment.

Organic Farming Initiatives

The campus serves as a living laboratory for organic farming, with experimental farms dedicated to researching and promoting chemical-free farming techniques. The primary focus of these initiatives is on creating an environmentally sustainable and economically viable agricultural model.

• Organic Farming Techniques: During the visit, we were introduced to various organic farming methods, such as the use of natural fertilizers, composting, crop rotation, and intercropping. These techniques aim to restore soil fertility, reduce dependence on synthetic chemicals, and promote biodiversity.

• Demonstration Farms: The University maintains demonstration farms where students, researchers, and farmers can observe organic practices in action. These farms showcase the potential of organic farming to produce high-quality crops without harming the environment.

• Training and Capacity Building: The University offers regular training programs and workshops on organic farming techniques for local farmers, empowering them to adopt sustainable farming practices that improve their income and contribute to environmental conservation.

Waste Management Practices

Waste management is an essential aspect of sustainable farming, and GKVK has implemented several initiatives to manage organic waste, reduce pollution, and promote recycling. These efforts align with the university’s mission to promote sustainability and social responsibility.

• Composting: The University emphasizes the importance of composting organic waste from the campus and local communities. Organic waste, such as food scraps, plant residues, and animal manure, is composted and used as natural fertilizer for the campus farms.

• Biogas Production: A notable waste management initiative at GKVK is the production of biogas from organic waste. Biogas is used as an energy source for cooking and heating purposes on campus, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to cleaner energy solutions.

• Zero Waste Initiatives: GKVK’s waste management program follows a “zero-waste” approach, where waste is minimized, and recyclables are sorted and processed. The campus encourages the use of reusable materials and has dedicated systems for the segregation of waste at the source.

• Awareness Campaigns: The University also organizes awareness campaigns and workshops for students, faculty, and local communities to promote waste segregation, recycling, and the importance of reducing plastic usage. These campaigns emphasize the long-term benefits of sustainable waste management practices.

Field Trip to University of Agricultural Sciences
3'A' Section Students and Faculty on a Field Visit
Field Trip to University of Agricultural Sciences
3'A' Section Students and Faculty on a Field Visit
Field Trip to University of Agricultural Sciences
Guest Lecture on organic farming


The field trip to the GKVK campus provided valuable insights into how engineering principles can be applied to sustainable agricultural practices, organic farming, and waste management. The innovative use of technology, such as biogas production, waste segregation systems, and smart farming techniques, demonstrates how engineering solutions can significantly improve both agricultural efficiency and environmental sustainability.

As engineering students, we observed first-hand how interdisciplinary approaches—combining agricultural science with engineering innovations—are essential for addressing global challenges like waste management, resource conservation, and sustainable food production. The integration of technology into organic farming and waste management practices offers exciting opportunities for future engineers to contribute to solutions that balance technological advancement with environmental and social responsibility. The visit reinforced the importance of engineering solutions in shaping a sustainable future, particularly in fields like agriculture where technology and sustainability must go hand in hand. The knowledge gained from this trip can inspire engineering students to think creatively and work collaboratively to develop innovative, practical solutions that promote sustainability in various industries.

A Workshop on JavaProject based learning

The Department of ISE organized a workshop on Java project based learning on 28th November 2024 @10:00 am.

Venue:ISE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants: 120

Resource Person:Mr. Samuel Richard Simon

Content of the event:

• Introduction to Java

• Projects unlock the potential

• Sample projects hands on session(Ex. Guessing a number)

• Three super Mini project ideas

• Q & A session

Workshop on JavaProject based learning
Participants at the event.
Workshop on JavaProject based learning
Figure: Audience at the Event


The Java project based learningworkshop conducted by Mr.Samuel Richard Simon on 28th November 2024 was successful in equipping participants with specific skills in Java programming. Participants expressed satisfaction with both the content and delivery of the workshop. Based on this positive feedback, future workshops may consider including advanced Java topics to further enhance participants' skills.

Heritage Trip Report: Shivanasamudra

Date: 9th November 2024

Participants: Third Semester Engineering Students


On 9th November 2024, a heritage trip was organized to explore two prominent cultural and historical sites: Shivanasamudra, known for its majestic waterfalls, and the Sri Someshwara Temple, a significant religious site in the region. The trip was undertaken to understand the rich history, religious significance, and natural beauty of these locations, which hold cultural importance in the Karnataka region of India.


The trip commenced at 6:30 AM from the college campus, with students boarding a chartered bus. After a scenic drive through picturesque landscapes, the group reached Sri Someshwara Temple, our first destination, by 10:30 AM. The students were divided into smaller groups for a guided tour of the temples, followed by lunch and a visit to Shivanasamudra.

Historical and Religious Significance of Sri Someshwara Temple:

The Sree Someshwara Temple has a deep connection with the Hoysala Dynasty, a prominent dynasty in Karnataka's history. The temple architecture is a blend of Hoysala and Dravidian styles, featuring intricately carved stone pillars, an ornate entrance, and a sanctum that houses the idol of the goddess.

The temple is particularly famous for:

• Chakreshwari’s idol: A beautifully sculpted idol of Goddess Chakreshwari, revered by locals and pilgrims who visit the temple for blessings and solace.

• Spiritual importance: The temple attracts devotees seeking peace, prosperity, and spiritual healing. It is also famous for performing rituals related to overcoming obstacles and ensuring success in various aspects of life.

Trip Experience:

• The temple was peaceful and had a distinct aura of divinity, enhanced by the fragrant incense and the rhythmic sounds of temple bells.

• Pilgrims were seen performing rituals, offering prayers, and participating in special ceremonies held during the visit.

• The temple complex includes a well-maintained courtyard with ample space for devotees to sit and meditate.

• The temple’s architecture, with its exquisite stone carvings, showcased the mastery of the craftsmen of the Hoysala era.

Historical and Religious Significance of Shivanasamudra Experience:

Shivanasamudra is famed for its Shivanasamudra Falls, which is one of the largest waterfalls in the state. The Kaveri River, which originates from the Western Ghats, divides at Shivanasamudra into two parts: the Gaganachukki and Barachukki Falls. These waterfalls are a major attraction for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike.

• Gaganachukki Falls is known for its height and the roar of water as it plunges down.

• Barachukki Falls is wide and has a serene beauty, attracting those who wish to bathe or take a boat ride in the surrounding area.

In addition to its natural beauty, Shivanasamudra holds historical significance due to the presence of Shivanasamudra Hydroelectric Power Station, which was established in 1902 and is one of the first hydroelectric power plants in Asia. This makes the site an important milestone in the history of India's industrial development.

Trip Experience:

• Visitors are greeted with panoramic views of the waterfalls from various vantage points.

• A trek down to the base of the Barachukki falls offers a closer view of the water, but caution is advised due to the slippery terrain.

• The sound of water crashing against the rocks creates a serene yet powerful atmosphere, making it a perfect spot for photography.

Heritage Trip Report on Shivanasamudra
Shivanasamudra falls
Heritage Trip Report on Shivanasamudra
Group photo of 3’A’ students in Sri Someshwara temple
Heritage Trip Report on Shivanasamudra
Group photo of 3’B’ students in Sri Someshwara temple


• The heritage trip to Shivanasamudra and the Sree Chakreshwari Temple was an enriching experience that highlighted the blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage found in Karnataka. Shivanasamudra’s breath-taking waterfalls and the spiritual ambiance of the Sree Chakreshwari Temple offered a glimpse into the state’s diverse historical and religious landscape.

• The visit not only provided an opportunity to appreciate the region’s natural wonders but also gave insight into the ancient traditions that continue to shape the lives of people in this area. For those interested in history, nature, and spirituality, both Shivanasamudra and Sree Chakreshwari Temple are must-visit destinations.

Orientation on Placement

Date : Oct 3rd, 2024

Time : 10.00AM – 12.00PM

Sessions Overview :

An orientation session on placement and training was held for 7thsemester students, aimed at raising awareness about preparation for placement drives. The session was led by Anubhav and Dhanush, alumni from the 2022 batch of Vemana Institute of Technology.

Session 1 –by Mr. Dhanush Rao, Design Engineer, Sonata Software.

The speaker provided valuable insights into industry trends and discussed various job roles available in the field. Dhanush further elaborated on the technical and non-technical skills needed for each role. Overall, it was an enlightening session filled with useful information.

Session 2 –by Mr. Anubhav, Data Analyst, Bizviz Technologies.

The speaker built on the information shared in the first session and offered essential tips for creating an ATS-friendly resume. After providing valuable insights, he gave us a reality check about the job market and shared guidance on interview preparation. Overall, the sessions were extremely helpful, giving clearer understanding of the corporate hiring process.

Orientation on Placement

Mr. Anubhav interacting with the students

Orientation on Placement
Orientation on Placement

Mr. Dhanush and student participants

Orientation on Placement
Orientation on Placement

Dr. Rajanna M, Professor and Head of the Department of Information Science and Engineering, presenting a token of appreciation.

Orientation on Placement

A Workshop on Automation Testing Using Selenium

Department of ISE organized a workshop on Automation Testing Using Selenium on 18th July 2024 and 19th July 2024 @1:30 pm for the students of sixth semester

Venue:ISE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants: 120

Resource Person:Mr. Srinidhi K

Content of the event:

• Introduction to selenium

• Hands on session on selenium

• Advanced topics

• Q & A session

Workshop on Automation Testing Using Selenium
Participants at the Workshop
Workshop on Automation Testing Using Selenium
Resource person interacting with the participants.
Workshop on Automation Testing Using Selenium
Mr. Srinidhi delivering the presentation.


The Selenium workshop conducted by Mr. Srinidhi K on July 18th and 19th was successful in equipping participants with specific skills in Selenium automation testing. Participants expressed satisfaction with both the content and delivery of the workshop. Based on this positive feedback, future workshops may consider including advanced Selenium topics and integration with CI/CD pipelines to further enhance participants' skills.

Orientation Talk on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision

The Department of ISE organized “Orientation Talk on Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision” on 14thJune 2024 @1:30pm.

Venue:ISE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants:76

Resource Person:Mr. Saurav Kumar

Content of the event:

What is robotics?
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
What is Computer Vision?
Significance of Computer Vision and AI in robotics
How AI is used in Robotics?
Applications of AI in robotics
Live demonstration of working of developed robots
Future of AI in robotics


Students found the session very much interactive and informative. This session has helped them to gain the insights about how would the future of AI in robotics be.

Orientation Talk on Robotics

4th semester students participating in the program.

Orientation Talk on Robotics

Resource person delivering talk.

Orientation Talk on Robotics

Demonstration of the working of Robot

Orientation Talk on Robotics

Demonstration of the working of Robot

Orientation Talk on Robotics

Demonstration of “Capturing the hand guestures”

Report on Visit to iCAT, Bangalore

Date : May 21st, 2024

Attendees : Students of 6th semester ISE and faculty Mrs. Mythili M, Assistant Professor Mrs. Aruna Reddy H, Assistant Professor and Mrs. Jyothi M, Assistant Professor

The Department of Information Science and Engineering organized an industrial visit to iCAT Design and Media College for 6th-semester students. During this visit, students explored the campus and gained valuable insights into multimedia, VFX, and virtual reality.

A seminar was held in the iCAT auditorium, focusing on VFX and multimedia techniques used in filmmaking to create realistic moving images. The professor demonstrated various methods for analyzing how action scenes are captured in movies and provided a comprehensive overview of the animation production process from start to finish. He also highlighted career opportunities in this dynamic field.

In the second half of the session, the concept of virtual reality was introduced, illustrated with a VR box. Overall, the visit was highly informative, leaving students excited about the knowledge they had acquired.

Session on Visual Communication

Session on Visual Communication

Session on Visual Communication
Session on Visual Communication

iCAT Auditorium

Session on Visual Communication
Session on Visual Communication

6th Semester Students in iCAT

Session on Visual Communication

AWS reStart Program by Magic Bus NGO

The Department of ISE has organized seminaron AWS re/Start Programme by Magic Bus NGOon 18thMarch 2024 @10:30am.

Venue:ISE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants:60

Resource Person:Magic Bus NGO

Content of the event:

AWS re/Start is a comprehensive 12-week program offered in collaboration with Magic Bus India Foundation across multiple cities including Hyderabad, Delhi, and Mumbai.
The program targets unemployed and underemployed individuals, particularly from families with an annual income below 3 lakhs.
The program helps in bridging the gap between education and employment, particularly in the rapidly evolving field of technology.
The collaboration between Magic Bus India Foundation and AWS re/Start was underscored as a significant initiative in promoting social inclusion and economic empowerment.
Attendees were informed that the costs associated with the program, including training expenses and exam fees, would be covered by the college management and CPR organizations.


The seminar concluded with a call to action for interested individuals to apply for the AWS re/Start program, emphasizing the transformative potential it holds for those seeking to kickstart their careers in cloud computing.

AWS reStart Program by Magic Bus NGO

Participants at the seminar

AWS reStart Program by Magic Bus NGO

Resource persondelivering the talk

Workshop on Resume Writing

The Department of ISE has organized a one day workshopon RESUME WRITINGon 29thFebruary 2024 @11:15am.

Venue: ECE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants: 65

Resource Person:
Mr.Suhas N
VLSI Engineer, Designer

Content of the event:

Resume Customization: Suhas N emphasized the importance of tailoring resumes to specific specializations or job roles. He suggested having 3-4 resumes with different focuses to maximize opportunities.

Resume Formatting Guidelines: Attendees learned about general resume rules, such as avoiding photos, using Times New Roman font, maintaining consistent spacing, and including a declaration.

Education Section: Suhas N advised arranging educational qualifications from most recent to oldest, allowing recruiters to quickly identify the candidate's latest achievements.

Feedback Session: Attendees had the opportunity to have their resumes reviewed by Suhas N, who provided personalized feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Sample Resumes: Suhas N showcased sample resumes to illustrate effective formatting, content organization, and alignment with industry standards.

ATS Resumes: The presenter discussed the importance of optimizing resumes for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to increase the chances of passing through initial screenings.


The workshop provided valuable insights into resume building strategies and best practices. Attendees gained practical knowledge on customizing resumes for different career paths, adhering to formatting guidelines, and optimizing resumes for ATS. Overall, the workshop served as a valuable resource for students at Vemana Institute of Technology, empowering them to create compelling resumes tailored to their professional aspirations.

Workshop on Resume Writing

Student participants at the workshop

Workshop on Resume Writing

Mr. Suhas demontrating a sample resume

Awareness program on Career Scope and Employment Opportunities in UI/UX, Animation, VFX, and Gaming Industries

The Department of ISE has organized an awareness program on CAREER SCOPE AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN UI/UX, ANIMATION, VFX, AND GAMING INDUSTRIESon 27thFebruary 2024between9:00am – 10:00 am.

Venue:ISE Seminar Hall

No. of Participants: 59

Resource Person:
Career Guidance Specialist
iCAT Bengaluru

Content of the event:

Graphics:Fundamentaldesignterms,colortheory,typography,composition,layouts,forms,andperspective drawing.
Career Opportunities: Opportunities in graphic design, UI/UX design, and stimulationartistry.


The seminar provided valuable insights into the diverse career paths within the multimedia industry and emphasized the importance of staying updated with emerging technologies.Overall, the seminar served as a comprehensive guide for individuals interested in pursuing careers in these dynamic and creative fields.

Awareness program on Career Scope and Employment Opportunities

Dr. Rajanna. M, HoD, Dept. of ISE extending a warm welcome

Awareness program on Career Scope and Employment Opportunities

Participants at the Event

Awareness program on Career Scope and Employment Opportunities

Participants at the Event

Awareness program on Career Scope and Employment Opportunities

Ms.PriyaPaikkadanondelivering the talk

Student Expo visit

Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru- in association with IEEE the Department of Information Science and Engineering organized an StudentExpo visit to Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore for the event IEEE IISc MTT/AP-S Symposiumon 24thFebruary from 10.30AM to 4.00 PM. “Open Day” by Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, is an annual event showcasing the Institute’s research activities and facilities to the student community and the general public. Students acquired knowledge on science and technology and they had an opportunity to science and technology initiatives and activities at the institute. Open Day for the students featured lectures, experimental demos, poster presentations, quiz contests, scientific competitions, and exhibitions from various centers of the institute. Students visited the inter-disciplinary labs, Pure Mathematics and Physics Labs, organic and inorganic chemistry departments exhibited their projects which were very inspiring and motivated the students towards Green Earth and environmental conservation. Students learned the importance of automation in inter-disciplinary fields. This visit was quite a remarkable one that allowed the aspiring engineers to have an experience of technology revolution. The young engineers understood the automation and digitalization and its impact on mankind and society. They were highly motivated to take up research activities and give their contribution to the development of Indian economy.

Practical exposure to multidisciplinary projects in science and technology.
Awareness of career opportunities.

Student Expo visit

Students and faculty of ISE

Student Expo visit

Students and faculty of ISE

Student Expo visit

Demonstration of projects

The Guest Lecture on Data Structures

A guest lecture on Data Structures – Linked Lists was organised on 14th February 2024 at 2:45pm for the students of third semester.

Resource Person:

Dr. A. M. Padma Reddy
Professor and Dean Admissions and Student Welfare Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Rajanukunte, Bengaluru

The department of Information Science & Engineering in association with Vemana IT NDLI Club and Library Advisory Committee, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a Guest Lecture titled "Deep Learning and its Applications" to the students of 6th and 8thsemester of ISE dept. on 23rd May 2022.

Content of the event:
What are Linked Lists?
How to create a Linked List?
How to display the content of the Linked List?
How to insert a node at the front end of the Linked List?
What are Circular Doubly Linked Lists?
How to create a Circular Doubly Linked Lists?
How to display the content of the Circular Doubly Linked Lists?
How to insert a node at the rear end of the Circular Doubly Linked Lists?

Students gained insights on Linked Lists and its applications.

web report GL-DS-2

Dr. Rajanna. M, HoD,extending welcome to the resource person.

web report GL-DS-3

Participants at the event

web report GL-DS-4

Professor explaining concepts of Linked lists.

web report GL-DS-5

Q&A session with the students.

The Guest Lecture on Automata Theory -DFA and Turing Machines

A guest lecture on Automata Theory - Turing Machines was organised on 14thFebruary 2024 at1:30pm for the students of 5th semester.

Poster of the guest lecture

Resource Person:

Dr. A. M. Padma Reddy
Professor and Dean Admissions and Student Welfare Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Rajanukunte, Bengaluru

Content of the event:
DFA and its construction
Context Free Grammar
Pumping Lemma and its application in proving that the language is not regular.
Introduction to Turing Machines
How to construct the transition table for the Turing Machine problem by processing the input?
How to write the transition diagram for the Turing Machine from the constructed transition table?

Definition of Turing Machine.

Students learnt about the Turing Machines and Deterministic Finite Automata.

Automata Theory - DFA and Turing Machines

Dr. Rajanna. M, HoD Dept. of ISE extending welcome to theresource peron

Automata Theory - DFA and Turing Machines

Participants at the event

Automata Theory - DFA and Turing Machines

Professor explaining concepts in Automata theory

Automata Theory - DFA and Turing Machines

Interactive session with the participants.

Technical Skills Training Program on Code Crafting

The Department of ISE had organized the Technical Skills Training programme on Code Crafting - Unlock your coding potential and program your future,on 10thFebruary 2024from 11:30 am – 4:00 pm.

Poster of the guest lecture

Resource Person:

Prof. Purushotham. B. V
Training Head (Senior Manager) at Comviva, Gurgaon, India

Content of the event:
What is programming?
Standards of programming
Conditional and unconditional statements
Uniprogramming andStructured or modular programming
Space and time complexities (with respect to different conditional statements)
Normal and efficient program (Example demo with respect to bubble sort)
Good programming practices.
Naming Conventions
Performance standards
Code Tuning- loop optimization or loop unswitching n jamming or fusion

This session has helped them to gain theinsights about how to write an efficient program.Students found the session interactive and informative.

Technical Skills Training Program on Code Crafting

Dr. Rajanna. M, HoD, Dept. of ISE, Welcoming the guest Speaker

Technical Skills Training Program on Code Crafting

Participantsat the Event

Technical Skills Training Program on Code Crafting

Purushottam delivering the talk

Technical Skills Training Program on Code Crafting

Hands-on activity for the students

Heritage Trip Report: Belur and Halebidu

Date: 27/01/2024

Participants: Third Semester Engineering Students


On the 27th of January 2024, the third-semester engineering students embarked on a heritage trip to Belur and Halebidu. Organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering, the excursion aimed to acquaint students with the rich historical and architectural marvels of Karnataka, India.


The trip commenced at 5:30 AM from the college campus, with students boarding a chartered bus. After a scenic drive through picturesque landscapes, the group reached Belur, our first destination, by 8:30 AM. The students were divided into smaller groups for a guided tour of the temples, followed by lunch and a visit to Halebidu.

Belur Exploration:

Belur, renowned for its Chennakesava Temple, captivated the students with its intricate architecture and rich cultural heritage. Led by experienced guides, students delved into the history and significance of the temple, marvelling at its exquisite sculptures and carvings. The guided tour provided insights into the Hoysala architectural style and its evolution over centuries.

Halebidu Experience:

Following Belur, the group proceeded to Halebidu, home to the Hoysaleswara Temple. Despite the scorching afternoon sun, students eagerly explored the temple complex, admiring the detailed craftsmanship and structural ingenuity. The intricate friezes depicting mythological tales left a lasting impression on the minds of the participants, fostering a deeper appreciation for India's rich cultural legacy.

Learning and Reflection:

The heritage trip offered students a unique opportunity to connect with the country's historical roots and architectural brilliance. Beyond academic pursuits, the excursion fostered a sense of cultural awareness and instilled a renewed pride in India's rich heritage. Students gained valuable insights into the engineering marvels of the past, inspiring them to apply lessons learned to contemporary challenges.


The heritage trip to Belur and Halebidu proved to be an enriching experience for the third-semester engineering students. Through guided exploration and immersive learning, participants gained a deeper understanding of India's architectural heritage and cultural legacy. The trip not only broadened their horizons but also served as a catalyst for intellectual curiosity and appreciation of diverse cultures. As the bus journey concluded and students returned to campus, they carried with them memories and insights that would resonate throughout their academic and personal journeys. Special thanks are extended to the Department of Information Science & Engineering for organizing such a memorable and enlightening excursion.


An expert talk on CLOUD COMPUTING- AWS (Amazon Web Services) was organised on 1stFebruary 2024 between 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm.

Session Poster

Resource Person:
No. 15,20th main,100ft ring road,
BTM 2nd stage, Bangalore-560076

Content of the event:

What is Cloud?
What is Cloud Computing?
Who is using Cloud Computing?
Benefits of Cloud Computing.
Types of Cloud Computing like IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
Principles of Cloud Computing like DNS, Auto Scaling, traffic Load balancing.Regions and Availability Zones(AZs), Private Cloud, Amazon EC2 - Virtual servers in the cloud and many more.
Cloud Services (AWS)
How AWS is benefiting the business organizations?
How AWS is the leader in the cloud domain?
Various cloud computing products offered by AWS.
Various cloud certification courses like Azure, DevOps, Cyber Security,AWS Solutions Architect, Salesforce and Selenium and their importance in providing career opportunities to students.


Students had an overview of the Cloud computing -AWS and its importance The session was more informative and interactive.

Posters at the Expert talk

Participants in the Expert talk eventSpeaker delivering the talk

Q&A session

Awareness program on internships in Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science was conducted on 10th January 2024. The resource person delivered the knowledge regarding guideline for carrying internship in fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Block Chain and Internet of Things (IoT). The key topics discussed

1. Sustainability and Focus time –It is a major challenge as younger generation fails to Sustain in the same project and lacks commitment.
2. Artificial Intelligence-Its importance and recommendations in various fields.
3. Impact on CHATGPT- Which as increased more plagiarism.
4. AI cameras-Plays major role in traffic, crime detecting, health care and many more. In education institution and training department they can predict whether students are interested or not based on their body language.
5. Recommended every student to enrol in LinkedIn –For their CV updating.
6. Big data-Challenge to flitter the data.
7. People are updating to smart technology.
8. Rubixe internship enrolment-

Hands on experience
Exposure to real word problems
Implementation on theoretical aspects
Recommended to live projects
Online Free internship
Proof of concepts like agricultures, health care and aircraft.

More than 120 students of 3rd and 5th semester attended the session and the students gained insights on internships arena.

Event Poster.

Resource Person:

Vice president-Rubixe
3rd Floor, Opposite to Godavari Hotel, Kudlu Gate, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068

ISE students of 3rd and 5th semester


A webinar on Personality Development - “Progressive Pathway for Innovative Initiators” was organised on 23rd December 2023 between 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm.

Poster of the webinar

Resource Person:
Name: Mr. Tarun Chugh
Founder| Investor, GOAL10X Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru

Content of the event:

The webinar presented insights on the following:

1. To gain a deep understanding of their own personality,strengths, weaknesses and aspirations.
2. To develop strong communication skills, including verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening and public speaking.
3. To boost confidence and self-esteem to face challenges and seize opportunities with self-assuredness.
4. To cultivate leadership qualities and learn how to work effectively in teams, fostering collaboration and synergy.
5. To enhance emotional intelligence to better understand and manage their emotions and navigate interpersonal relationships with empathy.
6. To acquire practical techniques for managing stress, maintaining work-life balance, and staying resilient in the face of adversity.
7. To learn how to create a positive personal brand that reflects values, skills and goals.


Students understood how the personality development can help them enhance their personal and professional growth by developing key skills and attributes that will propel them toward success.

Day 1: 23/1/2024

Course Title: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Resource Person: Mrs. T. Girija

Course Description:

This course served as an introductory exploration into the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a focus on foundational concepts and practical applications. We dived into the fundamental principles of machine learning, unsupervised learning, classification, regression, clustering, and natural language processing (NLP). Through a combination of theoretical lectures and real-world case studies, we students gained a comprehensive understanding of AI techniques and their diverse applications across various domains.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Definition and Scope of Artificial Intelligence
Historical Overview and Evolution of AI, Ethical and Societal Implications of AI
Foundations of Machine Learning, Basic Concepts and Terminology
Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning Overview
Feature Engineering and Data Preprocessing Techniques
Supervised Learning, Regression Analysis, Linear Regression
Polynomial Regression, Regularization Techniques, Classification Methods
Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Ensemble Learning (Random Forests, Gradient Boosting)
Unsupervised Learning, Clustering Algorithms, K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering
Density-Based Clustering (DBSCAN), Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Introduction to NLP and its Applications, Text Preprocessing Techniques
Sentiment Analysis, Named Entity Recognition (NER), Text Classification and Topic Modeling
Sequence-to-Sequence Models, Deep Learning Overview, AI in Healthcare, Finance, and Other Industries
Practical Applications and Case Studies, Real-world Case Studies and Use Cases
Future Trends and Challenges in AI

Course Summary:

By the end of the said course, students developed a better knowledge about artificial intelligence.

Day 2: 24/1/2025

Course Title: Introduction to Natural Language Processing

Course Description:

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) with a focus on understanding the principles, techniques, and applications in processing human language data. We Participants were able to explore various topics including machine learning, text analytics, speech recognition, machine translation, deep learning, chatbots, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, artificial intelligence (AI), sentiment analysis, and part-of-speech (POS) tagging. Through theoretical discussions and real-world examples, students developed a deep understanding of NLP fundamentals and practical skills.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Definition and Scope of NLP, Historical Development and Milestones
Applications of NLP in Industry and Academia, Fundamentals of Linguistics and Language Processing
.Basic Linguistic Concepts, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
Language Models and Grammatical Rules, Machine Learning Foundations for NLP
Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semi-Supervised Learning, Feature Engineering and Representation Learning
Evaluation Metrics for NLP Tasks, Text Analytics and Preprocessing Techniques
Tokenization, Lemmatization, and Stemming, Text Normalization and Cleaning
Stopword Removal and Frequency Analysis, Speech Recognition and Synthesis
Introduction to Speech Processing, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
Text-to-Speech (TTS) Systems and Techniques, Machine Translation and Language Generation
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), Neural Machine Translation (NMT)
Language Generation Models (e.g., GPT, BERT), Deep Learning for NLP
Introduction to Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Text Classification, Transformer Models and Attention Mechanisms
Chatbots and Conversational Agents, Design Principles for Chatbots
Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Dialogue Management, Implementing Chatbots using Rule-Based and Machine Learning Approaches
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining, Understanding Sentiment Analysis Tasks
Lexicon-Based and Machine Learning Approaches, Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging and Named Entity Recognition (NER)
POS Tagging Algorithms and Techniques, Named Entity Recognition (NER) System

Course summary:

This course enabled students gain a vast knowledge about NLP which is very crucial in understanding Artificial Intelligence.

Day 3: 25/1/2024

Course Title: Introduction to Deep Learning

Course description:

This deep learning course typically covered advanced topics in artificial intelligence and machine learning, focusing on neural networks with multiple layers (deep neural networks). It was designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations, practical applications, and hands-on skills required to work with deep learning models.

Course outline:

Introduction to deep learning course, Significant performance enhancement
Introduction to evolution of business potential, Introduction to future of deep learning
Introduction to artificial neural network, Types of deep learning models
Introduction to convolutional neural network, Introduction to recurrent neural networks
Introduction to Autoencoder and its applications, Deep learning and business, Deep learning frameworks and products.

Course summary:

This course gave students a solid foundation in deep learning principles and practical skills to start their journey in applying neural networks to real-world problems.The course content of all 3 days helped students to complete the Artificial Intelligence Foundation Certification.

Internship Session by Rubixe

Internship session on Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science was conducted on 31st August 2023 at 3rd floor ISE Seminar Hall, Vemana Institute of Technology for the students of seventh semester and fourth semester. An overview of technological trends such as ArtificialIntelligence(AI),MachineLearning,Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Block Chain and Internet of Things (IoT) was presented which will facilitate the students in choosing internships as per their domain of interest.

Session Poster

Resource Person:
Vice president-Rubixe
2. Ms. Kalpana
Team Lead-Rubixe

Mr. Ramkumar V addressing the students.

Students of 4th and 7th semester ISE at the session..

Program Name:Certificate Course on Data Analytics

Organized by: ICT Academy and PayPal

Duration: 140 hours

Start Date: 20/2/2023

End Date: 13/3/2023

The student empowerment program was inaugurated on 20/02/2023 by Dr. D. Vishnu Prasad, ICT Academy, Dr. Vijayasimha Reddy B G, Principal, Vemana Institute of Technology along with Vice Principal, Head of the Departments and ICT Faculty Coordinators.

Inauguration of the function by the dignitaries

ISE & CSE students of 8th semester.

The Student Empowerment Program on "Data Analytics" is a collaborative effort between ICT Academy and PayPal. The program aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge in data analytics to enhance their productivity and contribute to business growth. A total of 120 students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Information Science and Engineering (ISE) participated in this program.

The course is structured to cover both technical aspects and soft skills development to ensure a well-rounded learning experience for the participants.

Course Overview: The Certificate Course on Data Analytics was designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of data analysis techniques and their applications. The syllabus included Microsoft Azure, Power BI, and the Soft Skills Program

The training started on Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of data analytics tools and services. Participants learnt to work with Azure to extract data from various sources, clean and categorize it, and perform basic data analysis tasks.

Participants then learnt how to use Power BI to visualize and analyse data, create interactive dashboards and reports, and gain valuable insights from the data. Power BI is widely used in the industry for data visualization and reporting, making it an essential skill for aspiring data analysts.

Data Analytics plays a vital role in improving businesses by extracting hidden insights, generating reports, and performing market analysis. By analysing data, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and correlations that can drive informed decision-making. Data analytics enables organizations to optimize their operations, improve customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Trainer instructing students.

Hands-on training session

In addition to the technical aspects, the program includes a Soft skills Program to enhance the participants' communication, teamwork, and presentation skills. These soft skills are crucial for effective collaboration and effective communication of analytical findings to stakeholders. The Soft Skills Program equips students with the necessary interpersonal skills to succeed in the field of data analytics.

Soft skills training session

Workshop on interpersonal skills

The Certificate Course on Data Analytics organized by ICT Academy and PayPal provided valuable opportunity for students to develop their skills in data analytics. With a comprehensive syllabus covering Microsoft Azure, Power BI, and Soft skills, participants gained technical expertise and essential interpersonal skills. By equipping students with the knowledge and tools to analyse data effectively, this program empowered them to contribute to business growth and succeed in the field of data analytics.

Valedictory function & certificate distribution

A 3 - day workshop on Java Programming was organized from 24th till 27th November 2022, for 3rd semester ISE students.

Resource person

Mr. Sucheendra Ramesh

Mr Sucheendra has over all 7+ years of industry experience in various domains including Software development and Corporate Training. Currently working as a Software Engineer at Bookr. Currently working as a Front-End Engineer responsible for developing complex enterprise level user interfaces using technologies such as Angular, ReactJS, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Material UI etc. Trained more than 3000+ students on various technologies which includes Core Java, Advanced Java, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular, MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, Software Testing, Automation testing using Java and Selenium.

Following topics were covered :


1. Java fundamentals, data types, operators in java.

2. Decision-making statements, loop constructs in java


1. Creation of java classes, objects, constructors, declaration and initialization of variables.

2. Concept of Abstraction, packages

3. Abstract classes, abstract methods, and Interface in java


1. Java Collections.

2. Exception handling in java

3. File operations in java

Students listening to the theory concepts.

Students having hands-on session on Java programming.

Conclusion :
Workshop was essential for providing overall features of Java and it is an adjunct means of learning for the 3rd semester curriculum. Students gained more knowledge with hands-on session.

A guest lecturer on “Gaming and Animation” was organized on 17th November 2022, for 7th semester ISE students.

Resource person

Mr. Sandeep
Industry expert, iCAT Design & Media college, Bommanahalli.

Following topics were discussed :

1. Creativity in the logo design and the theme. Famous company logos were taken as case studies and the resource person elaborated the concept behind the logos which fascinated the students.

2. Difference between the live action movie and animation movies.

3. Roles associated with movie making and the role of software developers in gaming and animation field.

4. Pre-production, production and post-production activities behind gaming.

5. Visual experience to distinguish between short movie and animated movie.

6. Strategies to become a good gaming developer.

Short movie based on real time human imaging being screened.

Students being explained about the nuances in logo designs taking FedEx as a case study.

Conclusion :
Lecture was informative and interactive, students gained knowledge on animation and game developing process.

Department of Information Science and Engineering conducted a Workshop on “Joy of programming with Python” from 7th November 2022 till 9th November 2022 for 5th semester students, ISE.

Students gained fundamental programming knowledge in Python language, which is essential skill for their academic curriculum as well.

Resource person

Mr. Sandesh H S
Senior Full Stack Developer, Ernst and Young

Having 6+ years of experience in Software Development, Testing and Expertise in Full Stack Web Development in Django, Python& Java. “Study Online” is the startup venture by Mr. Sandesh H S

Session training details


Monday - Nov 7th

1. Basics of Python

2. History of python

3. Coding of a sample program in different programming language like JAVA, C

4. Simplicity of Python


Tuesday - Nov 8th

1. Datatypes

2. Built-in functions

3. Tuple

4. List

5. Set

6. Dictionary

7. Strings

8. Functions


Wednesday - Nov 9th

1. Function (continued) with factorial of a number using function

2. PVM - code, stack, heap, static segment

3. Object and Classes

ISE Students of 5th semester listening to the lecture.

Students getting hands-on experience from the workshop.

Students gained more interest with Python programming and were keen to develop more coding using it

Departments of CSE & ISE organised the 6th International Conference on Advances in Computer and Communication Engineering (ACCE-2022) on 12th and 13th August 2022 at Vemana Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

The conference was a successful confluence of research scholars, technical experts, domain specialists, academicians, faculty and student fraternity with a goal to present information on recent technological trends, reasearch and challenges in the field of Computer science.

The chief guest for the function was Shri. Praveen Kamath Kumbla, GM & Head HR, Wipro Pvt Ltd., Bangalore. The guest of honor was Dr Thippeswamy G, Professor, CSE and Dean Academics (Formerly), BMSIT&M, Bangalore.

ACCE-2022 inauguration by the dignitaries

The conference covered the important areas like IOT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Image Processing (DIP), etc. There were 68 papers presented under different areas. All the papers are blind reviewed, accepted and presented papers will be published in peer reviewed journals like International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) and International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) and indexed with crossref, crossmark, google scholar, and maily in Mendeley – Elsevier with Digital Object Identifier (DOI), used to permanently identify an article and link to it on the web.

High-quality peer-review process was implemented for all the papers submitted and suitable correstions if any were suggested.

The conference concluded with participant’s feedback, certificate distribution and photo session.

The Student Project committee organized the Project exhibition on 15th June 2022 and was held in the respective departments. The aim of the exhibition was to showcase innovative projects carried out by final year students thereby encouraging other to inculcate competitive zeal, gain knowledge on advanced technologies and undertake inquisitive projects.

A selection committee consisting of Head of the department, two senior faculty and project coordinator shortlisted the projects to be exhibited. Project exhibition started with an inaugural function presided by honorable President KRJS, Sri. S. Jayaram Reddy along with office bearers of KRJS. Other dignitaries present were industry experts, Mr. Santhosh Kumar Adinarayan, Chief Design Engineer, Maxim Analog Devices, Dr. Babu Rao Ponangi, Senior Engineer, FEA Quest Global Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Saravanan Ganesh, Managing Director and Chief, Coding coach, Principal Vemana IT Dr. Vijayasimha Reddy B. G., all department HoDs, teaching and non- teaching staff.

Project Exhibition 2022 inaugural function presided by KRJS office bearers, industry experts and Vemana IT faculty.

From the department of Information Science & Engineering, out of thirty projects six projects were shortlisted and the following projects were awarded.

  • Project Title: Detection of Depression and Treatment Response Prediction using Machine Learning.
  • Project group: Sravya C, Pavithra R, Shravan R
  • Guide: Mrs. Manjushree C V

Demonstration by Students

  • Project Title: Automatic Face Mask Detector and Temperature Scanner.
  • Project group: Bhavana S, H K Sandeep Kumar Reddy, Harshita Kulkarni, Kusuma J
  • Guide: Prof. Rajanna M

Demonstration by Students

Topic: Learning industry domain knowledge and reusing it for software development.

Date: 4/6/22

For: Students of ISE 6th Semester

Venue: 3rd Floor Seminar Hall

Industry domain knowledge (e.g., banking, insurance, retail) which is equally important in producing a quality software alongwith technology and soft skills, is not adequately exposed to our graduating students. One of the important reason being, there are multiple Industry and their domain knowledge is vast. Knowledge Driven Development (KDD), an emerging knowledge management framework has come up with a scientific way of learning multiple domains using a common structure. It also links domain knowledge to software development. This has created an opportunity to seed industry domain knowledge in academia increasing the employability of students.


Manoj Kumar Lal Profile:

Coming from Darbhanga, Bihar, graduated in Mechanical Engineering from BIT Sindri and did his ME in Aerospace from IISc Bangalore in 1997. He joined TCS immediately after IISc and has been there for more than 24 years now.

A specialist in Insurance domain, he has performed almost all the roles in software development. He has close to ten relevant accreditations on domain and project delivery, some of them being SAFe 4.0 from Scaled Agile Inc., CSM from Scrum Alliance, Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis from BCS, Foundation Certificate in Software Testing from ISTQB, PRINCE2 Foundation Certificate from APMG, Certificate in Financial Planning and Certification in Financial Administration from CII. His passion lies in knowledge management.

He is a member of ‘International Association for Knowledge Management (IAKM)’ and presented in in many conferences including European Conference in Knowledge Management (ECKM), Barcelona in 2017 and spoke about KDD (Knowledge Driven Development). He has also written two books to provide exhaustive literature of KDD. The first one is titled 'Knowledge Driven Development - bridging Waterfall and Agile Methodologies' published jointly by IISc and Cambridge University Press in June 2018. The second one is titled 'Introduction to Business Domains for Software Engineers' published in Amazon Kindle in June 2021. These books are the output of his passion (12 years in knowledge management) and experience (24 years in software engineering).

Anil Kant Choudhary (AKC)

Advisor | Consultant | Mentor | Guide | Speaker | AuthorAdvisor | Consultant | Mentor | Guide | Speaker | Author Freelance

After a successful career of 30+ years in the Information Technology, I am now aiming to give back to the professional community. I intent to share my experience and extend help to individuals and organisations in their journey. I want to contribute like a catalyst to help nurture their potential and thereby help in enabling growth. I'm looking to act as an advisor, consultant, mentor or guide.

I started as a developer and finished the stint as the head of an industry sector. During this period, I worked at four IT Companies namely ITS Division of Tata Steel, Mascot System (which merged later with iGate, which eventually merged with Capgemini), Wipro Technologies and CGI. I have handled a peak annual business of nearly $50 Mn and team size of ~1000 comprising of both direct and indirect employees.

Date: 28-05-2022

For: 6th semester information science students

Day 1

Topics Covered: IoT with cloud and AI/ML

Speakers: Mayur Patil and Praveen Hanchinal

Session 1
started with IoT and cloud handled by Mr. Mayur Patil sir. It was an ice breaker session, since cloud computing has been a topic of interest for most 6th semester students and sir delivered the lecture in a detailed and simple manner along with working model simulations. The use cases regarding cloud computing and the way companies such as wipro are implementing this new technology was informative. Following are the excerpts from the workshop that we understood

Internet of things: The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.

Various projects that can be done in Iot using Arduino, raspberry Pi and other electronic components such as sensors(photosensor, IR sensor, proximity, piezzo etc and it's uses) etc were discussed.

Software for virtually assembling components and testing - tinkercad demo was shown using Arduino

Various iot devices available in Amazon such as smart bulb, smart fan regulator, etc manufactured by Wipro were shown along with its applications.

Session 2: AI/ML by Praveen Hanchinal

The second session had live demonstrations with lots of visuals and kept us hooked to the projector screen. Mr Praveen Hanchinal sir delivered the lecture in an efficient manner. He was able to give basic idea of Deep learning, machine learning and AI within the given time constraint. Following are the excerpts from session 2.

Definition of AI and ML and deep learning and it's differences were discussed.AI is the artificial intelligence or placing our human intelligence in machines and training it to act and behave like humans for our help

ML - Subset of AI. AI is implemented using ML techniques
Deep learning - subset of ML. Complex ML techniques are implemented using DL

Other branches of ML such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning were discussed and it's subdivisions such as classification, regression, clustering, association.

Day 2

Speaker: Mayur Patil

Topics covered: Blockchain & Cyber Security

This session consisted of a lot of new information and a whole new exposure to the world of blockchains, the visuals made it easy to imagine and understand the structure and information stored and passed in blockchains. Why are bitcoins based on blockchain technique

Following are the excerpts from session 1 of day 2:

Blockchain definition discussed- A blockchain as a distributed or shared database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. It maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions.

Hashing definition. Difference b/w Blockchain and Database. Key difference between a typical database and a blockchain is how the data is structured.

How a blockchain collects information together in groups, known as blocks, that hold sets of information. How Blocks have certain storage capacities and, when filled, are closed and linked to the previously filled block, forming a chain of data.

All new information that follows that freshly added block is compiled into a newly formed block that will then also be added to the chain once filled. How Each block in the chain is given an exact time stamp when it is added to the chain. How It's used as a ledger for transactions.

In Bitcoin, blockchain is used in a decentralized way so that no single person or group has control-rather, all users collectively retain control. Decentralized blockchains are immutable, that is data entered is irreversible. For Bitcoin, this means that transactions are permanently recorded and viewable to anyone. Simple code was explained using node.js, crypto-js, simple-bc.js and Vs code

Mining concepts discussed - Recomputing all the hashes and checking if it's valid and encrypt the hash for new block by validating the blockchain and find a new value for given hash also called as mining.

Session 2: cybersecurity

This session was by far the most interesting one and also relatable since we had learnt certain basics of security from CNS, the different types of attacks and how to conquer them were really fascinating . excerpts from this session are:

How to secure our devices, how to stay away from malicious sites and links, how to safeguard our various accounts, the authenticity of websites and links

Where all hacking occurs and what are its results/losses, real time example of an IAS officer's account hacked and ask for ransom. All in all session was really interesting.

Day 3

Speaker: Mayur Patil

Topics covered: RPA( Robotic process automation) & metaverse

The last day was the one with most working demo’s , following are excerpts from day 3 session 1 and 2.

Fundamental concepts of RPA and it's uses explained with the help of a video showing how automation helps humans against working like robots for the same process repeatedly.

RPA software tools demos
1. UI path
2. Automatic 60
3. Blue prism
4. MS power automate
5. Specifically - 'Automatic anywhere' (Demonstration of simple automation for our daily tasks like opening notepad in full screen)
6. my-autopilot 0.0.6 (demonstration of automation using python scripts)


Definition of metaverse and how It's a global computer network of spatially organized predominantly 3d content, connecting all devices, useful in all human endeavours.

Features - Interoperability, governance, identity, persistence, experience, economy, Power of Metaverse, Printing press- solved the problem of knowledge gap, Steam engine - power gap, Internet - distance gap, Blockchain - trust gap, Metaverse - space gap, Applications - In business, education, medical etc, How Metaverse is created by combining various technologies such as AI (for data processing and management),Iot ( adds 3d user interface ),Cloud computing ,5G,Metaverse Career avenues discussed.

Resource Person:

Dr. M. Senbagavalli
Associate Professor, Alliance University, Bengaluru-562106

The department of Information Science & Engineering in association with Vemana IT NDLI Club and Library Advisory Committee, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a Guest Lecture titled "Deep Learning and its Applications" to the students of 6th and 8thsemester of ISE dept. on 23rd May 2022.

Content of the event:
Basics of Deep Learning.
Different types of Machine Learning.
Classification of Deep Learning models.
Differences between Neuron and Perceptron in different hidden layers of Deep learning.
Deep Learning modelsand their uses in different applications.
Applications of Deep Learning for students Projects and Seminars.

Students felt that the session was more informative and interactive. They understood the basic concepts of Deep Learning and its Applications.

Date: 30/04/2022

Event: “An Orientation Programme on Placement Preparation”

Time: 11.00am – 12.30pm

Resource Person: Mr. Rahul R Analyst (Dev-Ops) KPMG Global, Bangalore.

Audience: 6th Semester Students


Mr. Rahul R delivering the content to the students.

Content of the event:
Preparation of Resume
Placement Recruitment Process
Roles in IT Industry
Tips to prepare for placements
Sources of preparation

Students got insights on effective preparation of resume and also about the various sources of preparation for placements.

Resource Person:

Mr. Ramamoorthy S
Senior Project Manager, TOSHIBA Software India Private Ltd.

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "IoT: Overview and Recent Trends" to the students of ISE dept on 3rd July 2021.

Content of the event:
Benefits of IoT
IoT Architecture
Functional IoT Stack
Smart Sensors
IoT Future Trends
IoT Industry Project examples

Snapshots from the webinar:

Students were fascinated with the trends in IoT domain and were keen on considering this area of specialization in future.

Resource Person:

Ms. Rajeshwari K, Assistant Professor, BMS College of Engineering
Ms. Preetha, Assistant Professor, BMS College of Engineering.

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Learn C++ : A Walk Through Linux" to the students of ISE dept on 24th June 2021.

Content of the event:
Introduction to C++
Introduction to Linux environment
Object Oriented Concepts
Classes & Objects
Execution of C++ program on Linux platform

Snapshots from the webinar:

Students gained revision on the fundamental aspects of programming using C++

Resource Person:

Dr. Jayaprakash Govindraj
Vice President, Security Engineering, AQR Capital Management

Dr Jayaprakash Govindraj has PhD in Mobile Security and Forensics. He has 21 + years in IT and cyber-Security. Before AQR the speaker was working at McAfee as Lead Security Researcher. Speaker also holds various certifications such as CISSP-ISC2, CISM-ISACA, CEH-EC Council.

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Cloud Security" to the students of ISE dept on 21st June 2021.

Content of the event:
Applications of cyber security
Cyber security career options
Cloud computing (5-4-3 models), cloud virtualization
Traditional Web Applications to Cloud Migration
AWS Service
IAM / Sample Policies
AWS Services – Security Threats
Ideas for Final year project

Students were inquisitive towards using cloud concepts for their upcoming projects.

Resource Person:

Mr. Murali Sundaram
Technology Consultant
NPEDIA Technologies, Chennai

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Emerging Technologies, Inspiring Start-ups, Disruptions &Innovations" to the students of ISE dept on 18th June 2021.

Content of the event:
Insights towards entrepreneurship
Voice technology
What is machine learning?
Demand for data scientists
Artificial Intelligence
Quantum computing new research area, non IT, develop cloud architecture
Micro biome
Space exploration
Drones – apart from surveillance and inspection
AI and its opportunities

Students gained insights on entrepreneurship, role of data scientists & space exploration.

Resource Person:

Mr. Anup Kumar Gupta
IBM Accredited Advisory Project Manager,
Digital Engagement Analytics - Data & AI Services

Anup Kumar Gupta is an engineering postgraduate with about 22 years of experience in IT Management, ERP Implementation, Project Management and Data Analytics arena. He is currently working as a Program Manager - GTS Analytics at IBM, Bangalore. He is responsible for managing various Analytics and Data Science projects for the GTS Data & AI Services team at IBM.

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Data & AI from career perspective" to the students of 6th & 8th semesters of ISE dept on 16th June 2021.

Content of the event:
Why we require robots? What are the AI services?
The working of robots
Robots which think like human.
Robots which don't think like human.
How humans are different are from humans

Snapshots from the webinar:

Students were inquisitive with considering AI as one of their career domain.

Resource Person:

Mr. Adithya Nagaraj H R
Implementation Engineer, Symphony SummitAI, Bengaluru

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Practicalities of Network addressing" to the students of 4th semester of ISE dept on 12th June 2021.

Content of the event:
Internet addressing

Students understood the practicalities of network addressing in the real world.

Resource Person:

Dr. Gunjan Thakur

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Applicability and significance of Embedded systems and ARM processor in the real world" to the students of 4th semester of ISE dept on 7th June 2021.

Content of the event:
Microprocessor vs Microcontroller
ARM Processor
Embedded System Hardware
Interrupt Controller
Registers and CPSR
Processing Modes

Students understood the role of embedded systems in today's world, their significance and applications.

Resource Person:

Mr. Hemanth Kumar A
Data Scientist at Rubixe Technologies Pvt. Ltd

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Data Science to solve real world applications" to the students of 6th & 8th semester of ISE dept on 4th June 2021.

Content of the event:
Machine Learning and Deep Learning –
Problem Solving: Supervised and Unsupervised machine learning algorithm, Classification
Linear Regression and Logistic regression
This was explained using the COVID -19 real world illustration
Developed expertise in Predictive modeling with dataset of person being sad/happy

Students gained practical insights on applying data science in solving practical problems.

Resource Person:

Mr. Suraj Kumar P Sancheti,
Senior Developer
Cognizant Technology Solutions, Pune

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Bridging the gap between Procedural Oriented to Object oriented Programming using C++" to the students of 6th semester of ISE dept on 21st May 2021.

Content of the event:
Creation of objects
Usage of constructor
Inheritance and its types with example were illustrated
Importance of operator overloading functions like left shift operator and right shift
Template and its usage, importance was briefed
The stream functions - fstream ,istream and ostream was discussed in detail.

Students and faculty gained knowledge about the transformation of technology from early main stream to emerging technologies.

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Emerging Technologies",to the students of ISE dept on 7th August 2020 on the following concepts:
Demand for data scientists

Resource Person:

Ms. Preethika, Senior Engineer,
CTO Office - SDN/NFV Technologies, Tata Elxsi

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "Realizing Virtualization" to the faculty and students on 23rd July 2020.

Content of the event:
Virtualization and the concepts involved in it.
Pros and Cons of Virtualization.
How it empowers industries.
How to get started with one.
How to test the behavior of different OS.
Cloud computing, the technology which is widely used.
Types of services offered by cloud provider.

Students and faculty gained knowledge about Virtualization and Cloud computing. The webinar also highlighted how it is useful in industries and gave insights on initiating a start-up service.

Resource Person:

Mr. Vijay R S, Senior Engineer
CTO Office - SDN/NFV Technologies, Tata Elxsi

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar titled "World of NFV, the 5G and beyond" to the faculty and students on 22nd July 2020. The intent was to impart information and implementation of 5G Networks.

Content of the event:
Introduction to 5G networks
Evolution of 5G network
Network Function Virtualization (NFV) Introduction
How NFV enlightens the technology behind 5G core
Use cases of many other virtual networking
NFV – Applying virtualization on Network devices
How NFV empowers virtual networking domains
Role of NFV in 5G

Students and faculty had introductory session on 5G network and understood the technical implementation of 5G using Network Function Virtualization.

Resource Persons:

Mr. Yogesh Kumar, Consultant, Deloitte

Mr. Vivek Srivastava,Consultant, KPMG

The department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology organized a webinar to 4th semester students on 11th July 2020. The intent was to impart inquisitiveness of programming languages like Java to the students by demonstrating interesting applications from gaming domain.

Content of the event:
• Multithreading, Applets & Swings: Introduction
• Industrial importance of JAVA
• Introduction to Game Development with JAVA
• Concepts used in Java Game Development
• Developing mini projects on multithreading concepts with Applets.

Students of 4th semester gained knowledge on the Applets, Swings and Multithreading. Mini projects were demonstrated to students. The webinar created awareness interests and exuberance among students to accomplish several projects.

Department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology, organised a 5 day online Faculty Development Program on "Emerging Technologies in Web & Data Engineering" from July 1st 2020 till July 5th 2020

Dr. Vijayasimha Reddy B G, Principal, was the Chief Patron and the Convenors of the program were Prof. Rajanna M, HoD In-charge Dept. of ISE and Dr. S Nandagopalan, Professor Dept. of ISE. The program was customised to highlight and inter relate trends in Web and Data engineering. Eminent resource persons and magnanimous participation made the program a splendid success.

Following is the description of the FDP.

FDP Day 1 – "Pythonian Web"
Significance of Python.
Small steps big pay off.
Web sockets.
Chat applications.
Hands – on with
   o Server side code.
   o Client side code.

Resource Person – Mr. Shashank Narayan, Solutions Architect Senior Lead, Akamai Technologies

FDP Day 2 - "APIs & Microservices are transforming the industry"
APIs–A Key Ingredient of Digital Transformation.
   o API across different layers.
   o Enterprise Architecture.
   o Management of APIs.
Microservices Architecture.
   o Monolithic Applications.
   o Problems with Monolithic applications.
   o Microservices Architecture pattern.
   o Drawback of Microservices.
   o Microservices & API Management.

Resource Person – Mr. Prasad Deepak Edlabadkar, Vice President and API Lead Architect, Barclay's, Pune.

FDP Day 3 & 4 – "Emerging new technologies on full stack development."
Front end development.
Back end development.

Resource Person – Ms. Afreen Khanum, Mean stack developer, Teqstories.
                                   Mr.Abhyuday Chattopadhyay CPO, Cloud architect, Python developer, Teqstories

FDP Day 5 - "Medical Image data analytics"
Echocardiography - Basics
Echo Image Segmentation
   o SQL based K-Means
Boundary Tracing and Quantification
   o Active Contour Method
Color Doppler Image Analysis
   o Segmentation – Pixel Classification
   o Extraction of Qualitative Features
CBEIR Framework for 2D & CDF Echo Images
Multifeature Universal Model
Naïve-Bayesian Classifier Model for Echo Images
Parallel Algorithms for Echo Image Analysis
Orange Data Mining/Data Analytics Visual Tool – Demo

Resource Person – Dr. S Nandagopalan, Professor, Dept. of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology.

  • Date: 2nd March - 4th March 2020
  • Resource Person: SATISH REDDY, Co-founder, Heading Operations, Marketing, & Android Training Division, Palle Technologies
    Mr. Palle Satish Reddy
  • Mr. Palle Satish Reddy:
    A Multi-Skilled IT Expert with 15+ yrs of experience in designing, developing and architecting Python and ML Applications, Enterprise wide Applications with Java J2ee, Business Solutions for various industry domains using Java J2EE, Python & ML and Android. His latest assignment was with Samsung Architecting Python and ML libraries for Android to be implemented on Samsung Mobile Phones. Mr. Palle Satish Reddy has several accomplishments training corporate professionals on Android and Java Technologies. As a Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Palle Technologies, he handles training on Java, Python and Android, He has been contributing to IT Industry by moulding the workforce to knowledgeable trained professionals on Java, Python and Android.

  • Audience: VI Semester students
  • Content of the event:
  • • Python data structures overview
    • Writing methods and calling methods in python
    • Writing conditional statements in python
    • Writing loops in python
    • Read list elements using loops
    • Creating classes and objects in python
    • MySQL basic operations
    • Designing html pages
    • Client server architecture overview
    • MVT design pattern
    • Handling URLs and views
    • Views and templates
    • Reading data from templates in the view
    • Passing data from views to templates
    • Writing jinga code in templates
    • ORM
    • Using model to insert data into table
    • MVT project with all components

    Students of 6th semester ISE at the workshop.

    Resource team, explaining the program content

    • Date: 27/02/2020
    • Event: Guest Lecture on "Machine Learning"
    • Resource Person: USHA RENGARAJU, Principal Data Scientist | Polymath | Corporate and Faculty Training Programs
    • Usha Rengaraju is a polymath and unicorn data scientist with strong foundations in Economics, Finance, Business Foundations, Business Analytics and Psychology. The speaker specializes in Probabilistic Graphical Models, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.Organized NeuroAI( which is India’s first ever symposium in the interface of Neuroscience and Data Science. Usha Rengaraju has completed Financial Engineering and Risk Management program from Columbia University with top honours, micro masters in Marketing Analytics from UC Berkeley and statistical analysis in Life Sciences specialization from Harvard. She is chapter lead/Co-Organizer of Women in Machine Learning and Data Science Bengaluru Chapter and WiDS (Women in Data Science) Ambassador for Mysore. The speaker has around 7 years of technical experience working in various companies like Infosys, Temenos, NeoEYED and Mysuru Consulting Group and is part of a dedicated group of experts and enthusiasts who explore Coursera courses before they open to the public, an ambassador at AIMed (an initiative which brings together physicians and AI experts), part time Data science instructor, mentor at GLAD (, mentor at JobsForHer and volunteer at Statistics Without Borders. Usha Rengaraju has developed the course curriculum for Probabilistic Graphical Models @ Upgrad which is taught by Professor Srinivasa Raghavan from IIIT Bangalore and also developed the curriculum for master’s program in Data Science for BITS Pilani.

  • Audience: VIII Semester students
  • Content of the event:
  • Machine learning (ML) which is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead
    Support-Vector Machines, which are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyse data used for classification and regression analysis.
    Ensemble Learning, a collection of several models working together on a single set is called an ensemble and the method is called ensemble learning.
    Random Forests, or random decision forests are an ensemble learning method for classification, regression and other tasks that operate by constructing a multitude of decision trees at training time and outputting the class that is the mode of the classes (classification) or mean prediction (regression) of the individual trees. Random decision forests correct for decision trees' habit of over fitting to their training set.

    Students of 8th semester ISE at the guest lecture

    Professor Dr.Nandagopalan S felicitating the guest.

    • Date: 25th, 30th October and 6th November 2019
    • Event: Working on Databases with Python
    • Resource Person: Mr. Vidyadhar Sharma,
      Mr. Vidyadhar Sharma, heads the Product Architecture & Development of core products at Speckbit. He is a Full Stack Developer with extensive understanding of architecture, design and deployment of web applications on the cloud.
    • Mr. Vidyadhar Sharma
    • Audience: V Semester students of ISE
    • Content of the event:
    • Day 1:
      Getting started with Python
      Working with Data
      Basic Data Types
      Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
      Inbuilt Functions & Methods
      Control Flow with IF-Else-Elif
      For Loop
      While Loop

      Day 2:
      Introduction to SQLite3 + Peewee
      Doing CLI Project with SQLite3 + Peewee

      Day 3:
      How the Web Wroks
      Request-Response Cycle
      Introduction to the Bottle Framework
      Using Peewee with Bottle
      Building a live Project with Bottle and Peewee

    • Conclusion:: Students were educated on the topics such as Python programming, File based DBs vs Server based DBs, working with SQLite3, Peewee object relational mapper and Bottle, a Python Microframework. The content covered in the workshop imparted technical knowledge to the students required to accomplish several mini-projects prescribed in the syllabus.

    • Date: 24th - 27th September 2019
    • Resource Person: Mr. Nikhil
    • Audience: 7th Semester students of ISE
    • Training Agenda:
    • Day 1:
      1. Introduction to Mobile App Development
      2. Introduction to HTML
      3. Converting normal web application to mobile app using Phone Gap
      4. Building mobile apps
      5. Creating resume using HTML

      Day 2:
      1. Quiz App Development

      Day 3:
      1. Continuation of Quiz App Development

      Day 4:
      1. Basics of Cyber Security

    • Date: 7th September 2019
    • Event: Technical Workshop on Angular 6
    • Resource Person: Mr. Yogesh Kumar (B.E.) & Mr. Vivek Srivastava (B.E.)
    • Mr. Yogesh Kumar Mr. Vivek Srivastava
    • Designation: Software Engineers at Tech Mahindra
    • Audience: VII Semester students of ISE
    • Content of the event:
    • Angular 6 framework.
      Significance and relevance of Angular 6
      Installation and execution environment of Angular 6
      Demonstration projects on Angular 6

    • Conclusion:: Students gained insights on Angular 6 framework which is beneficial for various project implementations.

    Technical Workshop on Angular 6
    • Date: 6th September 2019
    • Event: Guest Lecture on “Soft skills”
    • Resource Person: Mr. Mekhala V Reddy & Ms. Latha
    • Designation: Business Operations Leader - Hybrid Cloud CTE -AP & ISA ; Regional SPOC @ IBM University Relations for South West
    • Audience: VII Semester students of ISE
    • Content of the event:
    • • Personality development: Self introduction, Dress code & Body Language
      • Profile preparation: Template to prepare, profile of candidate
      o How to prepare for Job Industry reach.
      o What to prepare for Job role.
      o Reviewing Industry & job roles available.
      o Reviewing skill sets & identifying the gaps.
      • How to apply for Jobs.
      o Networking with friends and acquaintances.
      o Significance of connecting with all once a fortnight.
      o Meet 5 –7 people / companies every 15 days.
      o Reviewing the gaps, if any & filling it every month.
      • How to face Interviews
      o What to carry while going for discussion
      o Initiation & closing of discussion
      o Documenting the discussion
      • Emerging technologies
      o Concepts & need of Cloud
      o Concepts of Domains: Banking, Insurance, Telecom, Retail, Governance

    • Conclusion:: Students gained knowledge on soft skills required for job searching.

    Guest Lecture on Soft skills
    Guest Lecture on Soft skills
    • Date: 31st August 2019
    • Event: Guest Lecture on “Machine Learning”
    • Resource Person: Najeerahamed Sangamad
    • Designation: Co-Founder and Director, Innostem Edunce Edlabs Pvt Ltd
    • Qualification: Masters in Information Technology from Vellore University.
    • Experience: 4+ years of Industry experience in Robotics.
    • Najeerahamed Sangamad has worked as Mentor, Team Lead and Research & Development Engineer, in varied fields like Image processing, Data mining, Machine learning and Artificial intelligence. He has published paper on Image processing in IEEE transaction. Najeerahamed Sangamad’s vision is to cultivate creative minds for the near future in the cutting edge technology of robotics and to encourage innovative ideas for the betterment of the global citizens. He is building Robotics products, prototyping ideas, revolutionizing the education system with innovative robotics technology education.

    • Audience: VII Sem ISE
    • Content of the event:
    • The author gave several illustrations on the concept of Robotics and the students were introduced to the concepts of Machine Learning.

    Guest Lecture on Machine Learning
    Guest Lecture on Machine Learning
    Guest Lecture on Machine Learning
    • Date: 27th August 2019
    • Event: Technical talk on Open Source Software

    Resource Person: Mr. Raghuram and Mr. Naveen from Free Software Movement, Karnataka (FSMK).
    The team is a part of Free Software Movement Karnataka (FSMK), a non-profit organization working for spreading free software and its ideals. The movement is inspired by software freedom visionaries like Richard Stallman and Eben Moglen.
    Prof. Gopinath, Professor, Computer Science & Automation, IISc, is the President and Vikram Vincent, Research Scholar at IIT-Bombay, is the General Secretary.
    FSMK has been organizing GNU/Linux User Groups (GLUG) in engineering colleges around Karnataka, to build a mass movement for free software

    • Audience: 3rd, 5th and 7th Semester students of ISE
    • Content of the event:
    • Awareness was created about the open source software and its development. Students were motivated to harness the best capabilities of open source utilities and software. Salient features of Linux distributed systems and its installation procedures were discussed.

    Conclusion: Students gained clarity on the concept of open source software.

    Technical talk on Open Source Software
    Technical talk on Open Source Software
    • Date: 30/03/2019
    • Event: Guest lecture on "Java"

    Resource Person: Mr. Yogesh Kumar & Mr. Vivek Shrivastav

    Currently both are working in Tech Mahindra as Software Engineer.

    • Audience: IV semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event:
    •   Multithreading, Applets & Swings: Introduction
    •   Industrial importance of JAVA
    •   Hands on Session :
    • Developing mini projects on multithreading concepts with Applets.
    • Developing mini projects on multithreading concepts with Swings.

    Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the Applets, Swings and Multithreading. Small projects were demonstrated to students

    • Date: 21/03/2019
    • Event: Guest lecture on “Internet of Things”

    Resource Person: Mr. Shri. Ganga Prasad GL

    Ganga Prasad has mainly worked in the Software and Hardware Research & Development and has over 30 years of experience. He has a Master’s Degree in Electronics & Communications from National Institute Technology, Suratkal. He has worked in the area of design and development of products in Parallel Processing, Real Time Fault Tolerant Systems and ICT for Development. He was the key designer of the first indigenously developed SCADA. He had umpteen numbers of interactions with Industry and academia and initiated major collaborative Projects, Certification Courses in all the major areas of ITC. He has co-authored a book on GUI and published over 15 research papers, delivered around 20 Invited Talks. One Patent granted and one Filed. Three Product Trademarks awarded. He is felicitated with 8 National awards in the area of Power Systems. He was pivotal in the conduction of around 15 Major National and International Conferences, Symposiums and workshops. The latest conference under his leadership as the Technical Chair was, IETE’s First International Conference -2018 (IICI-2018) on “IoT, BigData Analytics & 5G” which was held at UR Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), ISRO, Bengaluru. His current interests are ICT for Learning, BigData, IIM systems and SCADA for Smart Energy Grid.

    He is a senior member of IEEE, ACCS, IETE (Fellow) & CSI. Past President, Secretary of ACCS. Currently he is a Scientist G and Senior Director & Centre Head of C-DAC Bangalore.

    • Audience: VIII semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event:
    •   Internet of Things
    •   Why IoT?
    •   IP suite
    •   Functionality of MOTE
    •   What are the IoT frameworks
    •   Different Case Studies of IoT

    Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the Industrial applications of Internet of Things.

    • Date: 22/02/2019
    • Event: Guest lecture on "Market readiness of University / Campus Students"

    Resource Person: Mr. Mekala V Reddy

    Current Roles at IBM: Business Operations Leader - Hybrid Cloud CTE -AP & ISA ; Regional SPOC @ IBM University Relations for South West.

    • Audience: VII semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event:
    •   Personality development: Self intro, 3 topics, Dress code, Body Language
    •   Profile prep
    • How to prepare for Job Industry reach !?
    • What to prepare for Job role
    • Review Industry & job roles available (scope)
    • Review your skill set & identify the gap
    •   How to apply for Job
    • Networking with friends, Sr.’s, near & dear
    • Connect with all every 15 days
    • Meet 5 –7 people / companies every 15 days
    • Review Gaps, if any & fill every month
    •   How to face Interview !?
    • What to carry while going for discussion
    • Point (1): Intro, Dress Code, Body Language
    • Initiation & closing of discussion
    • Document the discussion
    •   Emerging technologies
    • Concepts & need of Cloud, Cognitive
    • Concepts of Domains: Banking, Insurance, Telecom, Retail, Governance
    • Work on three to four work items (or One end-to-end work) i.e. Mini project for Comp.Science

    Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on soft skills required for job hunting.

    Technical talk on Industrial applications of embedded system was given by Sameer Rapate on 17th Nov 2018 for 2nd year students on Information Science & Engg.

    Several real world examples were demonstrated and students gained knowledge about the vast usage of embedded systems.

    • Date: 29/09/2018
    • Event: Guest lecture and "Hands-on" session on "Angular 6"

    Resource Person: Mr. Yogesh Kumar (B.E.) & Mr. Vivek Srivastava (BE)

    Currently both are working in Tech Mahindra as Software Engineer.

    • Audience :VII semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event :
    •  Angular 6: Introduction
    •  Industrial importance of Angular-6
    •  Hands on Session :
    • Installation of Angular-6
    • 3 projects on Angular-6

    Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the Angular 6. Small projects were demonstrated to students.

    • Date: 10/02/2018
    • Event: Guest lecture on "Software Testing"

    Resource Person: Mr. Bala Murali P (B.E.)

    He is having 16 years of Industrial experience. Currently working in Tata Elxsi as Senior Specialist in Testing. He was accompanied by Mr. Imran(BE) Senior Engineer, Tata Elxsi

    • Audience : VI semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event :
    •  Software Testing: Introduction
    •  Why Testing
    •  Manual Testing, Automation testing,
    •  Levels of Testing
    •     Integration Testing
    •     System Testing
    •     Alpha & Beta Testing
    •  Testing Life Cycle
    •  Tester Career Growth
    •  Tools for Automation Testing
    •  Certification Course in Testing

    Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the Software Testing. Small projects were demonstrated students

    • Date: 27.09.2017
    • Event: Guest lecture on "Network Simulation -2"

    Resource Person: Dr. Shiva Murthy G

    Dr. Shiva Murthy G
    Qualification BE, ME, PhD
    Research Specialization Wireless AdHoc and Sensor Networks
    Total Experience in Years Teaching-14 Industry-00 Research-04
    Papers Published in ISSN Journals National 00 International 06
    Books Published in ISBN /Conference proceedings National 00 International 00
    Professional Memberships MISTE
    Email Id /
    Contact No +91 98456 03236
    Area of interests Wireless AdHoc and Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing and Reliablitiy Engineering
    • Audience: V semester students of Information Science and Engineering.

    Content of the event:

    •  Network Simulator- 2 Introduction
    •  Working of Network Simulator – 2
    •       TCL commands.
    •       TCL scripts.
    •       Creating network simulator object instances.
    •       Create Trace files, network topology.
    •       Create transport layer agents.
    •       Schedule simulate.
    •       Close simulation.
    •  VTU prescribed laboratory exercises.
    •       Implement 3 node point to point network and connection to be duplex, set the queue size, and vary the bandwidth

    Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the network simulator. Laboratory exercise was demonstrated after which students had hands-on experience.

    • Date: 30/10/2017
    • Event: Guest lecture on “Automata Theroy and Computability”

    Resource Person: Prof. A M Padma Reddy

    Prof. A.M. Padma Reddy is a renowned professor in engineering institutions with an experience of more than 25 years. He has also worked as Project Manager in Admya Technocrats Pvt.Ltd. Professor possesses a unique distinction of having worked in various capacities such as Project Manager, Consultant, Release Manager in software industry, as well as teacher, course designer, material producer and committed researcher both at under-graduate and post-graduate levels in various departments and allied areas.With the vast experience at the credit of prof. Padma Reddy the text books authored by him have been very well received by teachers and student community all over the country.

    • Audience : V semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event :
    •  Automata Theory and Computability
    •       Finite State Machine (FSM).
    •       Context-Free Grammar (CFG).
    •       Pushdown Automata.
    •       Turing Machine.
    • Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the concepts of Automata Theory and Computability.

    • Date: 30/10/2017
    • Event: Guest lecture on “Data Structures Using C””

    Resource Person: Prof. A M Padma Reddy

    Prof. A.M. Padma Reddy is a renowned professor in engineering institutions with an experience of more than 25 years. He has also worked as Project Manager in Admya Technocrats Pvt.Ltd. Professor possesses a unique distinction of having worked in various capacities such as Project Manager, Consultant, Release Manager in software industry, as well as teacher, course designer, material producer and committed researcher both at under-graduate and post-graduate levels in various departments and allied areas. With the vast experience at the credit of prof. Padma Reddy the text books authored by him have been very well received by teachers and student community all over the country.

    • Audience: III semester students of Information Science and Engineering.
    • Content of the event: Linked lists in Data structures and applications.
    • Conclusion: Students gained knowledge on the concepts of Linked lists in Data structures and applications..
    • Event: Project exhibition.
    • Resource Person: Prof. K.B. Shadaksharappa

    Prof. K.B. Shadaksharappa, a pioneer in his path and being an educationist for universities and corporate sector, MCQ Developer, Course Designer, Evaluator, Policy Creator, Quality Manager, he has gained immense knowledge on how training needs to be conducted for individual at various levels. He has worked in academics for 26 years and served 13 years in the IT industry. Prof. KBS has designed a unique training model for engineering college faculties and graduates, which not only teaches the participants about technical aspects rather emphasizes on grooming the personnel and molding them with go-getting attitude in the current challenging environment. He has mastered the art of corporate requirements and imparting knowledge in the most innovative and stress-free way. His trails are been considered as the best and followed in many companies.

    Participants: VIII semester students of Information Science and Engineering.

    Content of the event: demonstration of projects on:



    First Prize: Automated student attendance system using face recognitions under the guidance of Prof. Sathyanarayana.

    Second Prize: Home Automation and Security System Using Raspberry pi under guidance of Prof. Ruby Dinakar

    Third Prize: IOT Based Automatic Irrigator under guidance of Prof. Rajanna M

    ACCE 2017:

    International Conference on Advances in Computer & Communication Engineering (ACCE – 2107) aims to focus and address the key issues in recent trends, advances and research results in the field of Computer and Communication Engineering through technical paper presentation and poster presentations. This Conference was open to Students (undergraduate and post graduate), Faculties, Research Scholars, Scientists and so on. Papers submitted for presentation in the conference were reviewed by respective Journals reviewing teams. The selected papers were published in Google Scholar indexed journals with ISSN.

    Industrial Visit:


    • Green Data Center, IBM campus
    • IBM, D block, Embassy Golf Links Business Park,
    • Off IndiraNagar-Koramangala Inner RingRoad, Bangalore - 71.

    • Students: 6th Semester, Information Science Department
    • Date: 21/03/2019
    • Faculties accompanied : Lakshmi Shree K, Shilpa M V, Rekha M

    Resource Person at IBM:

    • 1. Mekala V Reddy
      Business Operations Leader for Hybrid Cloud CTE-AP & India and India Hybrid Cloud Development, IBM
    • 2. Pushpendra Pandey
      Program Manager - IT Infra & DC Ops, devIT-India India Software Labs

    Other IBMers who conducted the session: Kumar Kollipara, R Latha, Naga Yalamancili

    Facilitators of Data Centre: Kiruthika P & Vijaya N
    No. of Students: 90


    •   11:00 am: Vemana Institute of Technology (VIT) students arrival to EGL
    •   11:25 am: Badge distribution & reached Board Room
    •   11:35 am to 12:05pm: Intro, About IBM - Mekala V Reddy
    •   12:05 - 12:20 pm: Market readiness - Latha R
    •   12:20 - 12:45 pm: Technology focus for IT - Kumar Kollipara
    •   12:45 - 01:05 pm: Personality development - Sridevi K
    •   01:20 - 2:30 pm: Data Center visit (D block Groud floor) by batches of ~ 40 - Kiruthika & Vijaya

    Brief about the Green Data Center

    A Green Data Center (GDC) is a repository for the storage, management, and dissemination of data in which the mechanical, lighting, electrical and computer systems are designed for maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact. The Green Data Center is an optimized data center that we can identify as "intelligent and organized ecosystem", which implements innovative applications of energy efficiency and operational by acting on three areas where the energy is consumed in the data center: energy consumed by the facility as the systems power and cooling, the energy consumed by real IT systems and an inefficient use of IT systems. Then, a formal definition of Green Data Center is: an intelligent, organized and controlled infrastructure that meets the demands of more innovative operational energy efficiency.

    Reaping benefits from energy efficiency

    Data centers consume 30 to 80 times the energy per square meter as compared to traditional office space. For instance, a company with a data centre of 2,000 square meters could spend up to 150 – 250 Million USD of facility operating costs over its 10 to 20 year useful life to run a data center with up to 70 percent of the costs being used for energy costs. A typical data center consumes about 250 kilowatts of power.

    “Solar power is ideally suited for a data centre because it is a natural source of DC power”. It eliminates the need for AC-DC conversion, which results in a 10 percentage point gain, when compared to AC power sources. “As data centers consume tens to hundreds of MW, this saving is not small”.

    Apart from using solar energy, other unique capabilities like water cooled lab infrastructure for POWER7 servers and a TivSAM based Private Cloud with 4000+ VMs for internal development teams has helped create this smarter data center at IBM India Software Labs, Bangalore.

    The project that couples solar power with water-cooled servers that run on high-voltage direct current. The method results in about a 10 percent energy savings by reducing the losses that normally happen in converting from alternating power from the grid to the direct current servers run on, according to Kota Murali, the chief scientist of nanotechnology at IBM India who developed the pilot as a side project. That level of energy reduction is significant for large data centers with many servers, but the implications of solar and servers are potentially profound for places that don't have access to reliable power. IBM's India Software Lab in Bangalore has set up a 50-kilowatt rooftop array to power about 20 percent of its data center.

    IBM's vision for the next-generation data center.

    The next-generation data center answers the need for a simpler, adaptive infrastructure, able to respond to disruptive change, melt technology silos and integrate legacy and new architectures in a single, manageable ecosystem. It is a software defined environment (SDE) in which server, storage, network and facilities resources are automatically provisioned and configured by software programmed to understand and adapt decisions to the requirements of each workload in real time.

    With the ever growing computing needs of human beings, data centers are more important than ever before. In order to cope up with the power needs of their data center in Bangalore, IBM India Software Lab has embraced the solar power. Kota Murali, one of the chief scientists at IBM India says that his facility has to face 3-6 hours of load shedding forcing them to rely on diesel generators for power supply. The fix? Well, the engineers got together to develop a 50 MW DC power supply for the data center that can provide enough energy 5 hours a day. The company has installed 6000 sqft of solar panels on the roof already. The servers mostly need DC and solar electricity saves the losses during AC-DC conversion, thus saving about 13% of electricity.

    IBM Operates ~45 cloud data centers across Globe !!

    IBM and Indian Green Grid Group (IG3) have entered into an agreement, in which IBM will design a green data centre for IG3, which is one of the largest Data Centers in the Asia Pacific Region.

    The data centre will be highly resilient and have the environmental protection advantages of IBM's industry-leading data centre design characterized by energy efficiency, green technologies, scalability and the latest power and cooling technologies.


    • iCAT – Design & Media Center
    • 424, Bommanahalli, Hosur Main Road,
    • Bangalore – 560 068.

    • Students : 8th Semester, Information Science Department
    • Date and Time: 9/02/2018, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
    • Faculties accompanied : Lakshmi Shree K, Shilpa MV, Rekha Reddy M

    Activities Conducted at iCAT

    •  10:00 am: Vemana Institute of Technology (VIT) students arrival to iCAT
    •  10:30 am – 12.00 pm: Seminar Computer Graphics and Animation
    •  12:05 am – 1:00 pm: Students had a demo on the Virtual Reality Effects.

    A Brief about the iCAT

    • Is a Digital Media Centre to inculcate in a student ideas, inspiration, and new ways of looking and towards creativity. Which aims at giving students an idea of the current technologies such as
    • 1. Game Design and Development for mobile, console, PC and Internet Platforms
    • 2. User Interface UI / User Experience UX / App Development
    • 3. Computer Graphics and Animation.

    Why iCAT?

    iCAT industrial visit was conducted to create awareness among students about the current technologies such as Animation, Game design and Development, UI design and Development and Visual Effects using VFX. These are the trending areas and aims at creating job opportunity for students who are having creative minds. The center paves way at creating further courses in these areas.

    Outcome of the visit

    Students visualized a hands-on session on an animation tool and demo on the virtual reality with real time experience wherein they were provided with high end VR devices to experience Virtual Reality. A clear idea of the comparisons between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality was discussed. It also helped students to have a different view on their career and they also gave guidelines on how to establish their own business in these booming areas with minimum capital.


    Department of Information Science & Technology

    The department encourages faculty and students to undertake research in their fields of interest. Majority of the faculty are involved in research and technological activities. In this regard, small projects have been developed and deployed using various technologies. A research lab has been setup in association with CSE Department.

    Major areas of Research are: Wireless Area Networks, Image Processing, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, Media Streaming and Computer Networking, Internet of Things (IoT). Currently there are 13 faculties pursuing their doctoral research. Their works are in different stages of completion. Mr. Mukesh Kumar is pursuing his PhD in IIT-BHU under TEQIP

    Major domain areas in which projects can be taken are:

    Innovative solutions for ATM Skimming attacks such as the identity theft for debit cards by hackers to steal the personal information stored on the debit card and record the PIN number to access the account.
    Identification of fake news spreading in social networks by categorizing a message as “Fake” or “Genuine” using Data Mining techniques and NLP.
    Design and development of an automatic “Voice Language Translator” to facilitate conversations in different languages.
    Real time tracking of unusual pattern in vehicle movement, to avoid accidents and educate drivers. Methods of finding traffic violators automatically can be incorporated.
    Fully automatic intelligent 3D Echo Image Analyzer for detecting the severity of heart diseases using Machine Learning techniques.

    International Conference Organized

    The 5th Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer and Communication Engineering (ACCE-2019) was jointly organized by the departments of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Science and Engineering on June 17th-18th, 2019. It was presided and inaugurated by Sri H N Vijayaraghava Reddy, President, KRJS. The chief guest for the function was Mr. Nilesh P Naik, Senior Engineering Director, Unisys India Private Limited.

    The conference was scheduled with two parallel sessions on each day. 73 papers were selected (by the reviewers) for presentation and 57 papers from Vemana IT were published in special issues of the Int. Res. J. Comp. Sci. Invited leactures were organized at the beggining of each session. It was an excellent platform for the participants to exchange their ideas.

    Research papers were presented in the areas such as image processing, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, cloud computing, networking, datamining and internet of things. Students were exposed to the latest advances in concerned areas.

    Some of the research findings were also presented in the 3rd International conference on “Advances in Computer and Communication Engineering” jointly organized by Departments of Computer Science & Information Science & Engineering on May 3rd & 4th, 2017. The selected papers presented at the conference were published in IJRCS, vol. 4, no. 5, 2017


    MoU has been signed with the Subex company, Bengaluru to set up the state-of-the-art IoT Center to help research activities to faculty and offer projects to students. The estimated cost of the project is about Rs.400,000/-. The centre can be used by faculty and students of Computer Science, Information Science, Electronics, and Mechanical departments. Many undergraduate projects and research work can be carried out for a variety of application areas.

    Research Publications:

    Nandagopalan S, Kumar P K "Deep Convolutional Network Based Saliency Prediction for Retrieval of Natural Images", International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization, Pattaya, Thailand, Oct 4-5, 2018.
    Kumar P K, Nandagopalan S, "Investigation of Emotions on Purchased Item Reviews using Machine Learning Techniques", Internatıonal Conference on Intellıgent Computıng & Optımızatıon, Pattaya, Thailand, Oct 4-5, 2018
    Lakshmishree K., "A novel approach of using security enabled Zigbee in vehicular communications", IEEE Int. conf. on Computational Intelligence and Computing th Research, held on 17 Dec 2016 at Agni College of Technology, Chennai.
    Manjunatha P. B., "Anonymous private routing and secure transmission protocol in ad hoc networks", Int. conf. on Convergent Innovative Technologies th (ICCIT-2016)” on May 20 , 2016, in Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

    Inquisitive Projects:

    IOT based Automated Hydroponics System (Prof. Gauri Sameer Rapate, Pradhumna, Prajwal, ZaibaZeher, Sarah Walton).
    In hydroponics system, plants are grown without soil The system is placed in greenhouse where the temperature, light, water level, pH level has to be monitored manually. The above project automates hydroponics system and takes required action based on the situation.
    Controlling a Top Car using Google Assistant(Dr. S Nandagopalan, Ashley, A Rajit Mahesh)
    Objective of this project is to create a prototype of an unmanned vehicle controlled over a mobile application using voice commands using Arduino IDE. It is implementing driverless or unmanned vehicle to be controlled from a long distance. It is useful in mining, espionage, archeology.
    TripImputer( Prof. Vijaya S C, Nisha, Nishat, Pooja P, Rahima Kousar)
    Real time imputing taxi purpose leveraging multi-source urban data. Here, the main objective is to build a taxi booking application where it is served only for the specific route and to be always available for that route. It can be on shared basis to custom . The system can be user to infer the trip purpose accurately and can provide recommendation results to passengers.
    Blockchain for Financial applications using IoT(Prof. Aruna Reddy H, Kavya, Mandara, Pavitra, Ramya)
    Blockchain is an incorruptible real time ledger of economics that can be encoded to record not just the history of financial transactions but nearly everything of value. All the data in the blockchain exists as a shared and continuously reconciled database.
    Vemana IT App (Prof. Manjunatha P. B., Shaziya A., Shriya D. S., Shravya C.K.M., Neha Jha)An Android application is developed to help the users to know about our college (Vemana IT) and the whole campus. It is user friendly and helps one to get all the information about the college and campus. This application is made available in the Google Play Store.
    BrailleÉcran (Prof. Stella A., Arputha Joy E.J., Deepa B., Vidhyashree) In order to allow blind people to perform text entry more easily, this research had a goal to develop a method using conductor wire for smartphones with no physical keyboard. The method combines an Android application and a kind of screen protector with points and few buttons. Using these few buttons blind people can send SMS and make calls. It presents the evolution of BrailleÉcran, compound of an Android App and a tactile interface, which is important for blind people’s spatial location. BrailleÉcran joins both solutions of that of an app as well as tactile interface.
    Real Time Sensor Data Streaming for Analytics (Prof. Ruby Dinakar J., Ganesh Ram R., Ajay J., Ashitha N. Savekar) Objective of this project is to use efficient data management technology for analysing real-time sensor data streams which reads the data, performs necessary transformations, stores it and finally serves the data for analysis in real-time. A real world scenario is emulated where a sensor is sending data for stream processing in real-time. The sensor is connected to an ESP8266. The ESP8266 board runs an MQTT client to transmit sensor data to the MQTTserver. The ESP8266 chip is used for wireless transmission. The MQTT server publishes the data into a streams topic. The spark streaming application runs as a streams consumer. It reads the data, performs necessary transformations, and then persists the data in HDFS.

    MOU with Rubixe

    Memorandum of Understanding is accorded on Thursday , 31st August 2023 by and between Dr.Rajanna M, Professor & Head, Department of Information Science and Engineering, VEMANA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ,No.1, MV Road, Koramangala , 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560034 and M/s Rubixe is a brand of THINK AHEAD INNOVATIONS PVT. LTD., Bengaluru with the goals to collaborate efforts in the areas of engineering and technology.

    • Setting up Centre of Excellence in the college campus

    • Plan and select Innovative Project ideas & Internships.

    • Prepare and Conduct Value Added Courses with faculty and students

    • Seminars/Webinars/ Open Discussion with faculty and students


    Ms. Akshitha Venneela and Mr.Rajanna M exhibiting the MoU copy

    MOU with Proton Expert Systems & Solutions

    Department of Information Science & Engineering, Vemana Institute of Technology and Proton Expert Systems & Solutions, Bengaluru signed a MOU in August 2021. The intent of this MOU is to facilitate students with regards to internships and placement programs.


    MoU contract between M/s Proton Systems and Mr. Rajanna M


    The Memorandum of Understanding between "KSNALabs" was signed on 12th March 2021 by Mr. Purnendu Bhusan Das, Managing Director, KSNALabs,Bangalore& Shri. K N Krishna Reddy, Karnataka ReddyJana Sangha (KRJS), Dr. Vijayasimha Reddy B G, Principal, Vemana Institute of Technology. Mr. Rajanna M, Head of Department, Information Science & Engineering, Vemana IT and Mr. Pradeep K R from KSNALabs were also present.

    The main objective of the MoU is collaboration and co-operation between the two parties to promote more effective use of each of their resources and provide each of them with enhanced opportunities. The intention of the MoU is to foster Industry-Institution relationship and to effectively complement each other’s efforts to build synergy to serve the cause of SMEs growth and development.

    Industrial Training and Visits, Internships, Joint Programs such as technical seminars, workshops, symposiums, Incubation Facilities, Research Assistance are the actions planned to benefit the student and faculty community.


    Mr. Pradeep K R, Mr. Purnendu Bhusan Das, Dr. Vijayasimha Reddy B G and
    Mr. Rajanna M exhibiting the MoU copy.

    e-Shikshana programme by VTU is an advanced multi-modal, multi-platform, collaborative e-learning platform which allows course experts to teach number of students across VTU affiliated colleges on a real-time basis through live audio video streaming and synchronized content sharing. For the even semester of the AY 2019-20 "e-Shikshana programme 3",is offering Complex Analysis, Probability and Statistical Methods (18MAT41) and Cryptography, Network Security and Cyber Law (17CS61) classes for 4th semester and 6th semester ISE students respectively. 4th and 6th semester students of ISE were inducted successfully to the program. Students thus have diverse exposure towards leaning the curriculum.

    E-learning initiative

    E-learning content being streamed in the seminar hall.

    E-learning initiative

    Students of ISE participating in e-Shikshana classes

    Data Structures and its Applications e-content

    Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning Teaching with technology

    Innovations by Faculty in Teaching and Learning

    Innovations by Faculty in Teaching and Learning

    All faculty members follow advanced lecture methods besides conventional teaching and learning processes. All classrooms are provided with LCD projector and internet facility. Faculty members are using smart classrooms to provide interactive sessions through video lectures, PPT, Animated videos, NPTEL courses, webinars, and lectures by eminent Professors.

    Classes Conducted using PPT and animated Videos

    Quiz is used as an assessment tool to improve the instructional methods and student feedback the teaching and learning process. They learn to work in a team.

    Quiz Conducted during offline Classes

    Group Discussion and Debate is conducted for students to improvise on the communications skills and is related to the subject in the class.

    Group Discussion

    From the respective subject such as Application Development using Python, Jupyter Notebook and Pycharm tools demo is provided.

    Workshop on the tools usage

    Guest Lecture by Mr. Sucheendra Ramesh from Bookr

    Students can build project based on various software engineering models such as waterfall model and iterative models. Also they were asked to differentiate between these models. Discuss pros and cons.

    Students can giving a project presentation in Application Development in python.

    Application Building on Game Development

    Students are divided into groups of 4 – 5 and each group is given with a topic of the subject. Each group will understand, glance, discuss among themselves and the same topic will be discussed with other group members.

    Flip Technique through Online Teaching Mode

    Technology Sharing
    The registration and participation of students in MOOC Courses like NPTEL, edx and Spoken Tutorials are evidence of their E-Learning and Technology sharing. The above courses enable students to enrich their subject knowledge, give exposure to recent technological advancements and also serve as a platform to strengthen their interdisciplinary skills. It is also considered as a key for lifelong learning.

    Technology sharing using E – Shikshana through Audio visual Learning

    Certification of MOOC course

    Certification of MOOC Course

    Here students are told in advance what topic will be taught in the next class. And students will read it and ask them to prepare a few questions and ask in the class such that other students are aware of the questions and the answers when it is explained.

    a. Google Classrooms
    The Google Classroom is an effective dash board tool, effectively used by our faculty. Faculty members add all students to it before commencement of every semester for every course. They also upload course plans, eBooks, course materials, video lectures, question banks etc. It helps the students to come prepared to the class. Google classroom facilitate online assessment of students, which can be used to measure the outcomes of each course.

    Online Teaching – Google Platform

    Online Teaching – Google Platform

    b. Teams
    Teams is a collaborative tool, effectively used by many faculties. In this also all the Faculty members add all students to it before commencement of every semester for every course. They also upload course plans, eBooks, course materials, video lectures, question banks etc. It helps the students to come prepared to the class. It also facilitate online assessment of students, which can be used to measure the outcomes of each course.

    Online Teaching – Teams Platform

    Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Science & Engineering organised a FDP on "Developing Code Comprehension skills"

    • Date and Venue: 18th January 2020, Vemana Institute of Technology.
    • Resource Person: Dr. Viraj Kumar, IISC Bangalore, iSIGCSE chair (ACE India) &
      Mr. Milan J Srinivas (Former student at PES University)

    • Dr.Viraj Kumar

      Dr. Viraj Kumar is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, who has held faculty positions at PES University, Bangalore, NIIT University (Rajasthan, India), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois, USA), and the College of the Holy Cross (Massachusetts, USA). Dr. Viraj Kumar has MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In addition, he holds a M.Sc. in Applied Statistics and Informatics from IIT-Bombay, and a B.Sc. in Mathematics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University.

    About us

    With a mission to impart the quality technical education to each and every segment of society, ReddyJana Sangha coveted dream came into existence in 1999 with the beginning of Vemana Institute of Technology, guided by KRJS Management.

    All Rights Reserved To Vemana IT